Total Drama Wiki

Total Drama Talent: Episode 5- Mixed Fortunes[]

Remaining Contestants[]

Bronze Donkeys- Sierra, Alejandro, Becky, Chuck, James, Fatima[]
Pink Kittens- Jen, Quincy, Jenny[]
Turquoise Porcupines- Lindsay, Siri, Cleo, Jack, Johnson[]


Chris: Last time on Total Drama Talent, the remaining contestants raced across the island through challenges of running, canoeing, and climbing, all with their limbs tied together! Dawn predicted some pretty weird stuff while tensions between each team rose. The Kittens took an early lead, but in the end, it was them who came in last, having to send yet another camper home. The Porcupines claimed a last-second win, giving Lindsay a hot pink tranq gun, which might not have been the best idea... Who will be getting the boot this time on Total… Drama… Talent!

*Theme Song*

The teams are eating breakfast in the dining hall. James takes a seat between Sierra and Becky.

James: So ladies, I was just wondering… do you two happen to know anything… interesting… about Chris?

Becky: Eeee! I thought you’d never ask! Well, back in his old days, Chris was a movie director as well a-

Sierra: Please Becky, that’s common knowledge. Chris has directed an assortment of films including talking cats, all of which I own on DVD, as well as a cooking show. Even though it was short lived, I still loved it!

Becky: And you call yourself a fan? Chris also was in an 80’s boy band. I have every single one of their performances recorded! Not to mention that his favorite drinks are-

Sierra: Tomato juice and hot chocolate. Yeah yeah, we all know that. I’ve personally visited his old high school to interview his teachers on his life.

Becky: That’s it? I went to his school for a whole year! Chris is my life!

Sierra: My mom has a better chance at dating him than you do!

James: Ladies ladies, just wondering, could I maybe borrow some of those old recording and DVDs? I’m interested in Chris as well, but of course not as much as you two. Also, if there’s anything else interesting about him, I’m all ears!

Sierra and Becky: Of course!

James (in confessional): Well, it’s obvious this team won’t be winning every single challenge and Alejandro will get rid of me the first chance he has, so there’s only one way to do this.

Alejandro (in confessional): I don’t know what James is doing. Does he think a third suck-up will make things any better for him?

Becky and Sierra begin talking with James as Chris walks into the dining hall.

Chris: Attention campers! Your pre-challenge will be the simplest it will be this entire season! There’s only one shot at this! I’m going to describe a former contestant to you. Guess correctly, and your team gets an advantage this challenge! Guess wrong, and your team not only loses the advantage but gets a major disadvantage today! Let’s see who knows the most about Total Drama!

The teams sit up straighter in their seats as Chris picks up a notecard. Becky and Sierra glare at each other.

Chris: This former contestant is an only child...

Sierra and Becky are seen furiously counting fingers.

Chris: She tends to be very aware of how people view her...

Sierra and Becky lean on the edge of their seats, waiting for Chris to speak.

Chris: However, when pushed over the limi-

Becky and Sierra: ZOEY!

They look at each other in surprise.

Becky: I said it first!

Sierra: No, I did!

Chris: Ugh. Doesn’t matter! Porcupines, you get Zoey for the challenge today… and trust me… you’ll need her!

Zoey walks in with Chef, who’s holding a tray of fortune cookies.

Zoey (in confessional): I’m so excited to be back on Total Drama! Even though I’m not competing this time, I’m sure it’ll be just as fun!

Chef sets out a fortune cookie in front of each contestant.

Chris: The challenge today is completely independent! INDEPENDENT! Each camper gets a fortune cookie. In each cookie is something he or she needs to retrieve. Some of the items are pretty easy, some are… not so easy… Zoey does not have a fortune cookie, but she can be quite a valuable asset at times. First team with all of their members back in the dining hall with their items wins for the day, while the last team to do so sends a player home! Ready, set… GO!

The teams scramble to open their fortune cookies as they rush out of the dining hall. Some teams are wondering where to find their items while others are completing their tasks with little effort.

Lindsay: Mines says here that I have to find… a stick… Where am I supposed to find a stick here?

Lindsay walks into a tree and a shower of branches fall on her.

Lindsay: Oh! I found one guys! I’m done!

She walks back into the dining hall with her stick

Chris: And… Lindsay is done for today! Porcupines only have four more items to retrieve!

Johnson: How come she gets the easy one? Well it’s fit that the dumb blond gets the easy one. Where am I supposed to find snow? It’s the middle of the summer!

Siri: Why are you so mean to her? For goodness sakes, she’s on your team!

Johnson: I can choose who to be nice to.

Siri takes a path down to the beach in search for a sand dollar. Johnson glances at her momentarily before heading through a path uphill.


Meanwhile, the Kittens are making fast progress.

Jenny: This is sooo easy.

She plucks a leaf from the ground and walks back to the dining hall. She looks at Jen and Quincy, who are eating their fortune cookies.

Jenny: You two better not lose it for us this time!

Jenny (in confessional): I would sabotage them, but there really is nothing to do. Either they fail themselves, giving me a perfect reason to vote them off, or they prove their worth and get us the win.

Quincy: It says here that I have to find an acorn. I saw a bunch of those in the forest during our second challenge. This will be quite simplistic.

Jen: A TOAD? I don’t want to touch a toad? Where am I supposed to find a toad?

Chris pops his head out of the dining hall.

Chris: The Kittens only have two more items to find! Also, Jen, I’m really supposed to tell you this, but I suppose there’s a pond somewhere on the island...

Jen: A pond? You don’t mean I have to take a boat again, do you?

Chris: No time for boats this time! I believe… heh heh… you’ll have to swim…


The Donkeys, have split up. Zoey, after giving advice to the other contestants on where to find certain items, has decided to travel with Fatima while everyone else takes a separate route.

Fatima: So, how was your time on Total Drama?

Zoey: It was great actually. I met the love of my life and made a few friends too! However, there always are some people you shouldn’t trust.

Fatima: Oh believe me, I’m well aware of who not to trust. But I also know from my years as a professional swimmer that if you get on the bad side of some people, things will only get worse for you. You should’ve met some of my coaches.

Zoey: Well that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand up for yourself.

Fatima: I’m not say that, I just mean that sometimes, you need to be more aware of what’s happening around you and wait to make the right move. I can beat just about anyone on this island in a challenge of brawn, but I need to make sure I’m keeping up with tricks and alliances and that sort of stuff.


While everyone is out searching for their items, James remains in the dining hall with Chris.

James: Hey Chris… so… I was wondering if you could possibly help me a bit.

Chris: Not happening. Alliances never work out with the hosts.

James: I never said an alliance… Well, I did find some stuff about your old acting and directing days from Sierra and Becky. I’m sure you wouldn’t want anyone to find out, would you?

Chris: Yeah right. You have a better chance of befriending Alejandro than getting me to help you.

James shows Chris something one his phone.

James: Becky sent these to me for pleasurable viewing.

Chris looks at the video for a while, and frowns.

Chris: Alright alright! Kids these days are such a pain! What do you want anyway?

James: Well, Alejandr-

Chris: Look kid, I can’t rig the votes. If I could, you would be leaving, not him.

James: I’m just saying that perhaps…

Chris: I’ll see. But just so you know, you’ll be gone the first chance I have.

James smiles as he walks out the dining hall.

James (in confessional): Knowing Chris, even though he won’t admit it, I’ll be having him under my wing for quite some time.

As James leaves, several competitors enter with their items. Quincy walks in with an acorn in his hand. Sierra barges in holding a eel, only to be electrocuted a few seconds later. Becky runs in covered in scratches and bruises, breathing heavily and holding a raccoon by the neck.

Becky: IT tried to get me, but I got IT!

Chris: Ok then… So that leaves the Kittens with only one item left and the Porcupines with four, plus a crazy Becky!

Becky (in confessional): Chris said my name!

Out of nowhere, Jen pushes open the door, covered in seaweed and holding a slimy toad.

Jen: I’m done! I’m done! I need to change. Here’s your toad Chris!

Chris: Heh heh. Not so fast Jen! What you have there is a frog not a toad. You must have visited the frog pond, not the toad pond. Go again.

Jen: No! Wait, but-

Chris: Bye Jen!


Meanwhile, Alejandro catches up with Chuck, Zoey, and Fatima on the other side of the island.

Alejandro: I was wondering if we could form an alliance for the time being… Becky and Sierra and in a feud and all. I think with us three together, we’ll make merge for sure. However, we just have the eliminate James first... He’s been trying to interfere with our winning streak. What do you say?

Fatima catches Zoey’s eye from the corner.

Chuck: Sure, why not? Sounds good to me.

Chuck (in confessional): Alliances never last, and I’m sure this one won’t last very long. But hey, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Alejandro: Well Fatima?

Fatima: I’ll. I’ll do it.

Alejandro: Great then!

Fatima (in confessional): Ok, I guess that may not have been the best idea, but not accepting the alliance would put a target right on my back!


Siri runs into Johnson once again, this time both returning from the other side of the island.

Siri: I found my sand dollar, how did it go for you?

Johnson: How do you think it went? I climbed a mountain and there wasn’t even a single drop of snow!

Siri (in confessional): I’m sure that even though Johnson is pretty mean, he can’t be all that bad. I kinda do feel back for him about the snow though. Where are you supposed to find snow in the summer?


Besides Johnson, Jack in the only other Porcupine member unable to find his item.

Cleo: Your fortune cookie said you need to find blueberries. Did you try the bushes near the edge of the forest? I found my blackberries there.

Jack: Nope already checked. This island is almost blueberryless.

Cleo: What do you mean by almost?

Jack: Well… many bears live on a diet of blueberries, and I was exploring earlier and came across a bear cave. There were some blueberries in there, but it wasn’t like I could get it.

Cleo: What? Of course you could’ve gotten it! It’s just a bear. Let’s go back!

Jack: Easy for you to say.


Back at the dining hall, more contestants arrive.

Jen: This... is... a... toad... Right? It better be, cause I’m so not going out again! I smell like nature and dirt and all the things I don’t want to smell like!

Chris: Sadly, it is. Well, Kittens take their first win of the season!

The Kittens cheer. Behind Jen enters Chuck and Alejandro.

Alejandro: Got the cattail you wanted, Chris.

Chuck: Seashell, done!

Chris: Ok then… That leaves the Donkeys with two more items and the Porcupines with still four!


Jack and Cleo arrive at the cave, where inside, next to a napping bear, is a pile of scattered blueberries.

Cleo: Just grab one. Go on.

Jack inches forward into the cave and picks up a few blueberries. As he walks back, a flock of birds screeches in the distance. Jack looks at Cleo’s face and a feeling of dread fills his stomach.

Cleo: Jack. DON’T make any sudden moves.

Jack: I know what you're going to say. Let’s run for it!

He sprints out of the cave screaming as the bear runs out right behind him.

Cleo: No no! That’s the opposite of what you’re supposed to do!

She runs after Jack as the bear chases both of them away from the cave.


Fatima and Zoey are both walking towards the dining hall. Zoey spots, Siri and Johnson, who are both walking there as well.

Zoey: There! We must hurry! This may just be the difference between winning and losing.

The two of them sprint towards the dining hall. At the same time, Cleo and Jack emerge from the other side of the forest, covered in leaves and scratches, also running for the dining hall. All six of them collapse in the hall at once in a pile.

Cleo: We… we… were here… first!

Fatima: No we… were!

Jack: Bear! Bear!

Chris: Ah, I see you guys found the bear. I renewed his contract this summer so watch out for him. Anyways, let’s see what everyone has.

Each contestant places their item on the dining table.

Chris: Fatima, a hibiscus, check. Jack and Cleo, blueberries and blackberries, yep. Siri, a sand dollar, correct. Johnson?

Johnson: Look. I don’t know know how you expected me to find snow. I climbed a mountain!

Chris: First off, McClean Mountain is more of a hill. My grandmother could climb it with ease. Second of all, when I said snow, I was more thinking of the snow cone machine Chef kept locked away in the kitchen. I intended on you having to break in and steal it, but yeah… I guess I didn’t make it clear enough.

Johnson: What!

Chris: But since you’re the only one without their item, I guess… Oh wait. Wouldn't you know it. James is back yet. Johnson, go get your snow cone and we’ll call it a day.

Sierra (in confessional): It obvious that James ticked Chris off, but the only problem is finding out how it plays in the elimination tonight.

Alejandro (in confessional): James is actually trying to make us lose? What is he playing at?


James arrives back at the dining hall empty handed just as Johnson comes back eating his snowcone.

James: Sorry guys, couldn’t find it.

Chris: Anyways, yada yada yada, Kittens win and get a prize, Donkeys lose and send a contestant home tonight. You’re all free until the campfire ceremony tonight.

Quincy (in confessional): I can feel it. Something is off, but it’s hard to pinpoint what it is.

Fatima (in confessional): THIS is James’s fortune cookie slip. All he had to do was find a rock! A ROCK! I have no idea what he’s planning. Does he have an idol or something? Whatever it is, we’ll find out tonight.

Becky (in confessional): So James blackmails Chris with my information and gets him to do whatever he wants. I though we all knew that. Chris’s expressions are so easy to read. Anyway, all this means is that I control what control James has over Chris, and in turn, I’ll be closer to Chris McClean!


The teams are sitting around the campfire. Almost everyone has a question, but nobody has the courage to speak up as Chef roles out the stack of presents.

Chris: Kittens! Quite frankly, your lack of members is what got you guys the win. Well, Jen, I guess you tried the hardest, so the prize is yours to choose.

Jen walks up and chooses a neon yellow package with neon blue ribbons. She opens it and finds a “build your own aquarium” kit.

Jen: Uh… no. I’m done with anything water related. Quincy, you can have it.

She hands the package to Quincy, who gingerly accepts it.

Quincy: Wow, thank you Jen!

Chris: Anyway, everyone is to stay here tonight. Donkeys, time to get voting!

Johnson (in confessional): Seriously Chris? All I want is some sleep!


Chuck (in confessional): I guess it’ll be James because of the alliance thing.

Sierra (in confessional): Definitely James, but I’m not sure why he would make himself such a big target.

Alejandro (in confessional): James has something to protect him for sure. I’m going to vote Fatima tonight. The alliance won’t last anyway.

Fatima (in confessional): James has something planned. I’m taking out Alejandro in case he does have an idol.

Chris: Ok! Today you guys basically would have won if it weren’t for James! It’s surprising the votes weren’t unanimous. I’d say that for today, either Sierra or Becky would get the double votes for finishing first, but today is a NON ELIMINATION ROUND!

All of the teams gasp. Alejandro raises his eyebrows while James plasters an innocent look of shock on his face.

Chris: Instead, teams will be switched! Cleo! The MVP of the Porcupines! Say hello to your new team: The Donkeys! James! Instead of being eliminated, you’ll be joining the Kittens! Jenny, your team isn’t that big of a fan of you, but it doesn’t matter, cause you're now a part of the Porcupines!

The teams gasp once more as they look at each other.

Alejandro (in confessional): No! Oh he thinks he’s so smart, making Chris switch teams. But just wait until merge! That is if you make it, James!

Jack (in confessional): This isn’t good. Cleo was the best! She was one of the only reasons we won so many challenges!

Jen (in confessional): Oh thank goodness Jenny out of here! That brat was such a pain!

Chris: Cleo, James, Jenny, when you head back, move your bags to your new cabin. For the rest of the contestants, say hi to your new team member! I’m sure the next challenge will be a lot more difficult than it was today… Anyway, that’s all for tonight! See you guys next time on Total… Drama… Talent!
