Total Drama Wiki

Nemolee.exe Nemolee.exe 18 March 2014

Caption Crunch Countdown!

Since Caption Crunch is ending soon, and I am one person that gets a short amount of posts, I, NLG343, will be proud to present, my captions for the caption crunch posts I hadn't done since the time I had been here, Ready?

What do you think? Comments below!

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Nemolee.exe Nemolee.exe 15 February 2014

Tyler's Audition Tape

Took place at 4:00 PM EST last Saturday, I am writing it today because I haven't written it yet.

Tyler: You want a athlete on your show? Check some of this action!

Tyler is seen grabbing a football, and running back a few steps and passing it so long that it hit a cat which hit a trash can.

Tyler is in his swimsuit, jumping on a 10 yard diving board, jumps from it, and is in swimming position, but the jump was so high, he sank.

A basketball hoop is seen, Tyler dunks it and ricochets the hoop with the basketball. He lands safely, with him making the shot.

Tyler: See, you got the man! I trained hard a lot! And if you put me on the show, you will get hundred of power! *pants fall down* Oh no! *gets embarrassed*

Note: Tyler now wears boxers due to h…

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Nemolee.exe Nemolee.exe 15 February 2014

Sierra's Audition Tape

Took place about 4:30 PM EST last Saturday, I am writing it today because I haven't written it yet.

Sierra: Hi, everybody! *slips out of bed into about 1 feet away from the camera* I am Sierra! I am a über-fan about you! so if you pick me, I will defiantly love it that I am in your season of Global Drama! Oh, and also I am such a Über fan of you. I am a sibling to Cody! And I want to marry him later!

Cody: *camera zooms in on Cody* Well, I guess she isn't bad after a- *gets dropped* I wonder why she did that?

Camera zooms out. About a second later Sierra is seen chasing Cameron, with Cameron screaming.

Sierra is seen in her room with poster from models of her and total drama posters.

Sierra: Oh, man. I'm going to win this, all right. The fate i…

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