Total Drama Wiki

Mr. Totaldramaman Mr. Totaldramaman 16 June 2010

ToD - 6/16/2010

Contestants: Mr. Totaldramaman, Courtney~Duncan~TDA, Jam7

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Mr. Totaldramaman Mr. Totaldramaman 16 May 2010

Countdown to 10,000/Following Along

Ever since I was eliminated from Countdown to 10,000, I just started to follow along; and the best part is, no elimination! Thank you to Kg for the idea. Now, let this start! W-W-Wait, before I do start, I'd like to say: I will continue my blog. Now, I start!

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Mr. Totaldramaman Mr. Totaldramaman 3 May 2010

Countdown to 10,000/Mr. Totaldramaman's Blog

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Mr. Totaldramaman Mr. Totaldramaman 7 April 2010

MTDM Reviews: Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special

The "MTDM Review" for Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.

XD So far, the special sucks.

Lindsay and Beth's clip was XD'able. Lindsay messed up the Mona Lisa, and got arrested, with Beth! XD Owen's was a bit XD'able. He has a 6-pack! Ezekiel went from Zeke to ZekeGuy! :P Noah was Chris' assisstant. That made me XD. Courtney and Duncan's made me go "Awww..." :| Katie and Sadie went green! Good for them! Gwen and Heather's conflict sparked. LeShawna and Tyler were on a reality show! DJ has a cooking show! The bus was their new home. D': The Drama Boys FTW! XD Izzy; I thought you were crazy. What are you doin' in the movie biz? Eva...oh, Eva. Gidgette; that's a good couple name.

Some parts were funny. Some weren't. Some parts we…

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Mr. Totaldramaman Mr. Totaldramaman 28 March 2010

Stop Leaving!

Lately, I've been hearing that users have been leaving the wiki. I don't know why you guys and/or gals are doing this.

  1. My internet disconnected. GOOD
  2. Holiday. GOOD
  3. My parents banned me from the computer. GOOD
  4. I got inluted by a bot. BAD
  5. I have no friends on the wiki. BAD (Everyone's Your Friend)
  6. My screen blew up. GOOD
  7. I'm very very very old. Ewwww...
  8. I have too much schoolwork/homework. GOOD
  9. I got grounded. GOOD
  10. I lost interest in the series. GOOD
  11. TDA ended; I'll be back when TDWT premeirs. BAD (You Can Stil Edit; Talk To Users)
  12. I'm going on vacation. GOOD

More Reasons Coming Soon

Now you see that? Users are leaving for good or bad reasons. The good reason; I support. The bad ones; I oppose.

On some side notes, vote for my sigs here (not the crossed out one(s)) and my…

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