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The topic of this blog post is an interesting question and idea I came casually with today:which are the characters that would have been likable or even better to be seen from the first season,the beginning of Total Drama,then? Who do you think from 2nd and 3rd generation would be perfect in the 1st one? These are my main choices:

  • Dawn
  • Brick
  • Jo
  • Jasmine
  • Samey
  • Shawn

I'll explain why soon...but you can already gimme you point of view!Just imagine the settlement and the spirit of Total Drama Island and tell me who would fit in tranquility in it.You can also replace similar characters original of the 1st generation with them and say which could have been the possible interactions.Also their development in TDA and TDWT,too,why not?


1st Season


Team: Screaming Gophers

Main Interactions:Izzy,Bridgette,DJ,Gwen,Trent and Lindsay

File:Dawn and Squirrel.png I would have loved Dawn in a season like the first one. Wawanakwa was literally the only wild place that focused on nature and animals in a simple and realistic way,unlike TDROTI.Dawn likes nature and communicates to all the animals,she's calm and has a life conduct similar to an hippy,loving to meditate in the forest,giving advices and support to people and bringing harmony where there isn't.Her plot would be that she would like to show that a reality should be harmonic, trying often to stop all the various controversies in the Gophers while teaching some characters as DJ and Bridgette a deeplier way to be in peace with nature,so appearing often as "a team outcast,that partakes for every part and advantages companions and rivals at the same equalty" even if they don't deserve this care really.Being mostly misunderstood as creepy,she would be put in a corner similarly to Izzy (the two would be best friends inside this team) and attempts to warn people about Heather's true nature immediately in the first episode (coming off the dock,she reads all the auras,and once arrived to Heather...shivers!).During the GxT trouble moments she tries to give advices to Trent and Gwen but they seem unable to get them rightly. Dawn would be a powerful contestant due to her "powers" and the fact the majority of the challenges involve animal in somewhat way (just think at "Deer Hunter" or "Sucky Outdoors") and arrive to the merge,being eliminated in "Brunch of Disgutiveness" for being not only unable to eat ANIMALS, but blaming all the time Chris for this challenge. She doesn't return in TDA.

3rd Season


Team:Team Victory

Main Interactions:DJ,Lindsay,Bridgette,Tyler,Noah,Izzy,Owen

Dawn joins the cast with the main purpose to exploit the possibility to travel in the world free to spread moral examples about nature and animals all over the planet. Unlike DJ,she doesn't harm any animal and heal continuously (or at least would wish to) all the animals hurt by him,striving to keep DJ optimistic but unsuccessfully. In "Ah-Ma-Zon Race" she separates from the group and encounters Izzy,but the two get lost... She then quits unexpectedly in the same episode fascinated by the wildness of the place,that needs surely more protection from hunters,visitors, Izzy refers to the others. All her kind efforts to make DJ back in harmony with the nature failed until DJ'elimination aftermath episode,where Dawn suggests him that it's because of his new negative approach if everything goes in the wrong way,he decides to trust her and the obnoxious malediction (suggestion of) ends definitely.



1st Season


Team:Killer Bass

Main interactions:Harold,Duncan,Izzy,DJ,Katie & Sadie and Chef Hatchet Enemy:Courtney

Brick introduces himself as a cadet once arrived on the Island for the first time.He's convinced that Total Drama will be an alternative and powerful training for him before to return at the military bootcamp,however he shows immediately to be as devoted as klumsy during the first challenge...Sgt. Brick would clash immediately the leadership with C.I.T. Courtney due to their different kind of determination for the victory and ways to command, while Courtney is reckless and treats her companions mostly as a superior to them,Brick prefers to consider them at his same level,as "cadets" as him and infact takes care of them purposing many training sessions,that Duncan generally skives due to be a renegade but he and the others generally like Brick's attitude more than Courtney's.Brick gets also the attention of Chef being the only one to never complaint about the food and of course for his military way of life.Out of the cameras is revealed that Brick is very closed to Katie and Sadie because of his "feminine side" that forms his secret passion for cuteness,style,stripes and a harassing video he's seen trying on an outfit of Sadie. In another episode,probably X-Treme Torture, it's revealed his phobia for darkness and unable to face it he self-p... Since that moment Brick becomes an alternative victim to Harold for Duncan's pranks and mock,involving constantly light off jokes or similar bad puns,however he's less tormented than the geek. Brick's best episode is of course the one where Chef takes his bootcamp,but he doesn't win preferring to quit to not get totally advantage on the others,an action that annoys a lot Courtney but gains the full admiration of Chef and many others. Before the nomination of this episode, Brick is called back to the military camp by his superior that suddenly reaches the island with an helicopter,and Brick not even blinking obeys and leaves the competition.

2nd Season


Team:Screaming Gaffers (in place of DJ)

Basically he would have the same plot of DJ and his alliance with Chef,but quits unable to keep the unhonest deal in the war theme episode instead the horror one.

3rd Season


Cameo:he appears in the Area 51 military base and helps everyone to get into it.

Alternative Choice:Brick competes for the Team Victory doing well and being the only member to reach merge:he's eliminated in Ex-Files because he believed to know the secret base he worked for years but led to the defeat and through lot of troubles the male team.He jumps off the plane doing a military antic...and crashlands directly inside the Big Ear,a parabolic contraption used to hear sounds from space,doing a strange shriek that he's misunderstood to be an alien talk.


1st Season


Team:Screaming Gophers

3rd Season


Team:Team Chris is Really Hot


1st Season


Team:Screaming Gophers (in place of Eva)

2nd Season

Team:Killer Grips

3rd Season:Team Chris is Really Hot


1st Season


Team:Screaming Gophers

2nd Season

Team:Killer Grips

3rd Season

Team:Team Victory

Samey manchineel

The first real time Samey joins to the Island,she shows to do not know well how to survive...


1st Season

Place:5th (Leshawna 6th)

Team:Screaming Gophers

Samey introduces herself as the twin sister of Amy (believing wrongly Amy is popular also for the audience,just this underlines her complete submissive nature) and then explains in her audition tape that the reasons she's going to participate to the reality is that she hopes to find true friends that don't consider her as a "Second-Amy" and most of all to show she can be independent and worthy to the meanwhile lists all the various duties she does regularly for her sister saying they are over 100 each day...near the conclusion she's interrupted by the voice of Amy,that shouts to her a new humiliating order,sighs and rushes off the cameras,praying that Amy would never be aware of her participation!Once Total Drama Island airs on, Samey appears very insecure,goofy and shy,soon after the first challenge that she wasn't able to achieve she sadly admits in the confessional she did a mistake because she's unable to act without being ordered by her sister,however SG win the first challenge,and Trent,Gwen,Leshawna,Owen and others invite Samey to join the party,much for her heartwarm.In the second week Samey tries her best to appear independent but Leshawna clearly knows she isn't,then there's the Big Sleep Challenge,and Samey gets along with Lindsay and Beth more,and then they accept Heather's offer she automatically feels the need to do the same but fell asleep before the Queen Bee notices....

In the following weeks Samey is put under the care of Leshawna as a little sister,along with Gwen,but she asks her constantly about everything,or waits for orders,so Leshawna understands she has a submissive complex of inferiority and decides to ignore her just for her benefit,to develop an own independence.Samey misunderstands temporarly this behavior sadly.She also notices in envy that Izzy is totally independent and always provides for herself unlike the blond asks directly to the crazy outcast of the Gophers a suggestion:Izzy in her odd manner tells her it's all inside her,and offers to become her mentor,but Samey politely refused being a little "scared". "Sucky Outdoors" is the first episode Samey purposes herself for an important task:providing foods.She's actually able to find some fruit but her efforts are vanified by the fake bear (Izzy) and the real one soon after.When Leshawna is attacked by Izzy,Samey hops of the tree and asks the bear to eat her useless figure instead of Leshawna,that would tear if only Izzy didn't reveal her true identity! Surprised by her same courage,Samey finally becomes more confident of her values,however she keeps her mild role in the cast.

She reaches against all her prediction the merge,but due to all the various conflicts involving Leshawna,Gwen and Heather she feels again ignored and weak,and Heather gets aware of this.The Queen Bee asks her what's wrong and Samey tells about Amy and admits she can't do much if she isn't led by someone:Heather introduces herself as a strong leader and using her psychological schemes she manages to get Samey into her alliance,betraying Leshawna in this way.Since this moment, Samey lives the same nightmare she usually lives with her twin,being bossed totally by Heather but accepting this for different reasons than Lindsay's:Lindsay believes Heather is her BFF while Samey believes Heather is the "Amy" her submissive nature needed to know what to do all the day and night. When Heather causes the elimination of Lindsay, Samey seems to have enough and slowly gets conscious she doesn't actually need to obey to anyone and she can take decisions by herself! However she still poses to be in alliance with her without giving real help taking lot of excuse and exploiting the fact Heather has no more minions than her. She's really sad when Leshawna is shockingly eliminated,embraces and excuses with her for her ingenuity towards Heather,doing a mistake that she pays soon after in "Camp Castaways" where she does surprisingly well showing to have learned some surviving skills but uses also Mr.Coconut as a bullet destroying "him" in front of Owen!This brings her to be voted out by Duncan,Heather and a really depressed Owen.

Samey in the TDI special joins Team E-Scope being trained in "how to improve her independent life" by Izzy,and unlike Noah and Eva,she qualifies for TDA,but she's ironically disqualified because Chris noticed she had signed up in the contract for TDI with the name of Sammy instead of Samey.Poor excuse,but you know Chris...

So ,after TDI, Samey basically returns only in TDPI as canon.
