Total Drama Wiki

The following is a list of running gags on Total Drama.

Total Drama Island


  • Lindsay mispronouncing the other contestants' names.
  • Gwen's privacy being interrupted by either Cody, Owen, or the camera.
  • Owen either falling off of the cliff or being pushed off after annoying other campers.
  • Geoff failing to impress Bridgette.
  • Courtney denies liking Duncan.
  • Katie and Sadie doing everything together.
  • Bridgette and Tyler being klutzy.
  • Eva's anger management.
  • Harold getting pranked.
  • Harold getting repetitively injured.
  • Trent having near-death experiences.
  • A character mentioning a geographical inconsistency on the island, such as the presence of alligators or coconut trees.

Not So Happy Campers - Part 1

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay referring to Chris as Kyle.
  • Bridgette accidentally hitting people with her surfboard.

Not So Happy Campers - Part 2

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refered to Leshawna as Lafawnduh.
  • Owen's running gag: Owen jumped off of the cliff due to that being part of the challenge.

The Big Sleep

  • Gwen's running gag: Owen interrupts Gwen and Trent's moment when he sleepwalks by them naked.
  • Owen's running gag: Owen fell off the cliff while he was sleepwalking.

Not Quite Famous

  • Gwen's running gag: While writing her diary, Cody came and attempts to flirt with her. Later, Owen and Cody interrupt Gwen and Trent's moment by running down the dock while Gwen and Trent are sitting on it together.

The Sucky Outdoors

  • Cody wetting his pants.

Phobia Factor

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Tyler as Taylor, but quickly corrects herself.
  • Gwen's running gag: The mime interrupts Gwen and Trent's moment by sneaking up on Trent and causing him to run away.

Up the Creek

  • Gwen's running gag: When Gwen and Trent were about to decide to ride in a canoe together, Cody comes on to Gwen and tries to make her ride with him. Meanwhile, Beth and Lindsay do the same with Trent.

Paintball Deer Hunter

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Beth as Belle.
  • Owen's running gag: An annoyed DJ threw Owen off the cliff during the challenge.
  • Owen's frequent farting during the challenge.

If You Can't Take The Heat...

  • Gwen's running gag: Owen interrupts Gwen and Trent's moment by throwing a box of oranges at Trent and giving him a concussion.
  • Courtney mocking Duncan in the confessional with most of her confession needing to be fast-forwarded.

Who Can You Trust?

Basic Straining

  • Gwen's running gag: Gwen is interrupted by Chef when she tries to say something to Trent.

X-Treme Torture

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Duncan as Doug.
  • As the bear is about to eat his marshmallows, something or someone keeps preventing him from doing so.

Brunch of Digustingness

  • The boys having trouble eating some of the dishes, requiring their teammates to help them.

No Pain, No Game

Search and Do Not Destroy

  • Gwen's running gag: While sketching a picture of Trent on her notepad, a hidden camera shows up behind her and Gwen immediately shoves it away. Later, Chris interrupts Gwen and Trent as they were just about to kiss before Trent walked the Dock of Shame.
  • Lindsay using the confessional booth as an actual toilet rather than making a confession.
  • Geoff spending his time in the septic tank.

That's Off the Chain!

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Gwen as "Greta" and Leshawna as "Laquisha."
  • Izzy riding on her bike like a maniac with Leshawna, who is screaming the entire time.

Hook, Line, and Screamer

  • The campers (and Chris) refer to The Killer as "the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook," or they would forget the "hook" part and would be corrected by someone else wearing a fake hook prop on their hand (namely Duncan or Chris).
  • DJ running and screaming throughout the whole episode.
  • Contestants (except Duncan) ignoring Gwen's advice.
  • Owen's running gag: While running away from the Killer, Owen fell off the cliff, hitting several objects along the way including a goat and several explosives.

Wawanakwa Gone Wild!

Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon

  • Heather and Owen appearing in the confessional together, bad-mouthing each other.

Haute Camp-ture

Camp Castaways

  • Owen running back into the confessional.
  • One of the characters seeing Owen's beard, asking him why he has a fake beard, and pulling on it, hurting Owen.
  • The campers all have a habit of saying "Note to self" frequently.

Are We There Yeti?

  • Owen's running gag: Duncan pushes Owen off the cliff when he is too afraid to climb back down.

I Triple Dog Dare You!

  • Chris and Chef attempts to hold down their vomit.
  • Owen repeatedly saying "Pancakes!" at the beginning of the episode while using the confessional.
  • Owen being used as part of the challenge.

The Very Last Episode, Really!

  • Gwen's running gag: Owen interrupts Gwen and Trent's moment at the end of the episode.

Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Heather as Hannah.
  • Geoff and Bridgette making out in various situations.
  • Bridgette's klutziness accidentally causing Geoff to get injured.
  • Owen's running gag: Owen, along with DJ, Tyler, and Cody were scared off the edge off the cliff by a bear.

Total Drama Action


  • Lindsay mispronouncing the other contestants' names as well as thinking that Tyler is still in the game.
  • The other contestants thinking that Gwen and Duncan are a couple.
  • Heather desperately attempting to cover her bald head.
  • Harold getting repetitively injured.
  • Harold showing off a skill and mentioning learning it from a camp owned by a man named Steve.
  • Trent's obsession with the number 9.
  • Leshawna's hair growing into an afro.
  • Bridgette and Geoff making out.
  • Courtney calling her lawyers.
  • The contestants being relocated to a different location while they are asleep or knocked out while they are in the trailers.
  • Justin thinking that he is ugly everytime he gets injured.
  • Izzy changing her personality.
  • Beth mentioning Brady.
  • Katie and Sadie fighting over Trent.
  • Chef cross dressing.
  • Truth or _______ gets renamed.
  • A clip ends in the middle of Courtney screaming.
  • Chris interrupts the show to remind the audience that the show is family-friendly.

Monster Cash

  • Izzy's running gag: Izzy demanding the others call her Kaleidoscope or E-Scope.
  • A male contestant yelling "I love you" to his love interest as the monster drops them into the moon bounce.

Alien Resurr-eggtion

  • Chef constantly demands Chris for his paycheck.

Riot On Set

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay mentioning Tyler and being told he's not competing anymore.
  • Izzy's running gag: Izzy demanding the others call her as Kaleidoscope or E-Scope.

Beach Blanket Bogus

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Owen as Omar and Trent as Tyler.
  • Gwen's running gag: Owen interrupts Gwen and Trent as they are about to kiss at the end of the episode.
  • Beth gives everyone on her team friendship bracelets.
  • In the surfboard challenge, Lindsay keeps getting thrown against the wall.
  • Owen continuously getting hit in the face with sticks.
  • A nine-obsessed Trent asks for nine flags, jam rooms, moats, sticks and his team to say his name nine times. He also shook his necklace nine times throughout the episode.
    • Duncan states that Trent is on cloud nine.

3:10 to Crazytown

  • Trent seen is the confessional slapping himself in the head and saying, "Stupid! Stupid!" over and over again, eventually getting a red handprint on his forehead.

The Chefshank Redemption

The Sand Witch Project

  • Harold's running gag: Harold says he went to Magic Steve's Magic Camp. 
  • DJ having hallucinations of his mother scolding him for being in an illegal alliance with Chef.

Masters of Disasters

  • Harold's running gag: Harold tells about him going to Picky Steve's Lock Picking Camp.
  • Beth's running gag: Beth telling everyone about her boyfriend, Brady and how great he is, despite no one believing her. She would tell them about Brady's attributes and jobs.

Full Metal Drama

  • Izzy's running gag: Izzy's alter ego, Explosivo enjoying blowing up objects.
  • Leshawna farting.

The Aftermath: II

  • Aftermath Gag: Truth or Hammer gets renamed to Truth or Anvil.
  • Izzy's running gag: Izzy uses her new alias Esquire in order to regain her spot as an Aftermath guest.

Ocean's Eight - Or Nine

  • Beth's running gag: Beth mention Brady's habit of cracking his knuckles.
  • Harold's running gag: Harold tells about him going to Picky Steve's Lock Picking Camp.
  • Owen's hunger makes him see his team as types of food. He sees:
    • Lindsay as a soda bottle, a lollipop, and a drum stick.
    • Beth as a strawberry ice cream cone and a drum stick.
    • Justin as a drum stick and a hot dog.
    • Chris as a slice of pizza.
  • Leshawna was locked in the safe from the first challenge to the end of the episode.
  • Chris is seen running into something with his car, then saying "Awww crap!".

One Million Bucks, B.C.

Million Dollar Babies

  • Beth's running gag: After getting hold of Courtney's PDA, Beth uses it to message Brady.

Dial M for Merger

  • Chris getting attacked by his cat.
  • Justin keeps trying to use his brain to figure out a solution to the challenges, and only manages to move things forward through dumb luck.

Super Hero-ld

  • Beth's running gag: Beth mentions that Brady has two dogs named Steve.
  • Harold farting.
  • Duncan kicking Harold's back pocket that contains a burrito.

The Aftermath: III

  • Aftermath Gag: Truth or Anvil gets renamed Truth or Electrocution.
  • Owen keeps telling the truth no matter how hard Geoff tries to provoke him in Truth or Electrocution.
  • Bridgette keeps asking Owen to tell Geoff what it is that Bridgette is saying in an indirect way, even though Geoff can hear everything that Bridgette is saying.

The Princess Pride

  • Beth saying "Does this mean I have a concussion?"
  • Beth keeps criticizing Chris' fairy tale story.
  • Chris attempting to sell three products during the episode, parodying the Disney Princess line.
    • The "Princess Courtney CD" (which Harold buys).
    • The "Princess Courtney Limited-Edition Glass Boot Doll" (which Lindsay and Beth buy).
      • However, Courtney's lawyers demanded 80% of sales, so they decided to market "Princess Beth" dolls instead.

Get a Clue

  • Courtney demanding a prize from Chris.
  • Courtney's running gag: Courtney screams and gets cut off after declaring she doesn't care about Duncan going to the movies with Lindsay.
  • Lindsay is upset that everybody listens to Courtney's ideas rather than her own.
  • Harold and Lindsay saying "murdered" in a strange voice.
  • Harold playing dramatic music on his keyboard after someone mentions the words "murder" or "murdered."

Rock n' Rule

  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay believes Tyler will be returning to the competition.
  • Courtney's running gag: Courtney screams and gets cut off after Lindsay's victory in the second part of the challenge.
  • The contestants keep breaking the paparazzi standees while they run on the red carpet.

Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen

  • Beth's running gag: Beth reveals that she sleeps with a picture of Brady next to her. Later in the episode, she uses Courtney's PDA to call him.

2008: A Space Owen

  • Beth's running gag: Beth received a candy ring from Brady though the other contestants believed she sent the ring to herself.
  • Scruffy landing on Harold's face.
  • Owen regretting his deal with Chris to sabotage the other contestants.

Top Dog

  • The raccoon feeding Beth dog treats.
  • Courtney fighting with her shark instead of focusing on the challenge.
  • Courtney's running gag: In the exclusive clip, Courtney screams and the scene ends after all her important documents are blown out of the Lame-o-sine.

Mutiny on the Soundstage

  • Beth's running gag: Beth mentions sharing her prize money with her "non-imaginary boyfriend." She also mentions that she already has a boyfriend to Duncan.
  • Chef getting tired trying to be in two places at one.

The Aftermath: IV

  • Izzy's running gag: Izzy votes for her alter ego Explosivo instead of Duncan or Beth.
  • Beth's running gag: After the winner was declared, Brady finally made an appearance, shocking the other contestants.
  • Chris and Chef have trouble getting to the Aftermath Studio.
  • Courtney's running gag: After she doesn't get to ask a question, Chris mutes her just as she begins to scream.
  • People confusing DJ with D.J. Jazzy Chef.

Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special

  • DJ's mother slapping people.
  • Josh's interest in catfights.
  • The janitor having problem trying to fix the Drama Machine.
  • Sierra having problem interviewing the contestants.
  • Gwen getting teased for having feelings for Duncan.
  • Ezekiel trying to rap or speaking in slang.

Total Drama World Tour


  • Lindsay forgetting the other contestants' names, and failing to remember Tyler, until Slap Slap Revolution, in Eine Kleine.
  • DJ accidentally hurting animals.
  • DJ trying to get himself voted off.
  • Sierra stalking Cody.
  • Sierra stealing Cody's personal belongings.
  • Sierra telling the other contestants personal information about Chris and Cody.
  • Alejandro shuddering every time Owen calls him "Al."
  • Tyler getting injured in almost every episodes he appeared.
  • The contestants having to sing at inconvenient times.
  • Bridgette's "pole incident" being mentioned.
  • Ezekiel's cameo appearances throughout the season.
  • Bridgette saying that she has a boyfriend prior to her elimination.
  • Chris giving nicknames for Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot and Team Victory.
  • Chris stating wrong or mispronounced information on the current area. He also speaks the national language of the country they are in either wrong or in a bad accent.
  • Heather and Alejandro denying their attraction for each other.
  • Owen hurting Noah by accident.
  • Chris declaring a non or fake elimination on his own terms.
  • A contestant barging into the confessional while another is using it.
  • Sierra fighting with animals.
  • A contestant suffers a certain form of mishap (usually being pushed or thrown out of the plane) while taking the Drop of Shame.

Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 1

Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 2

  • DJ's running gag: DJ tosses a stick in the air, hitting a seagull.
  • Drop of Shame gag: After Ezekiel was eliminated, he starts to mock his team before being kick out of the plane by Chef. Duncan (who quit in the previous episode) follows him shortly after Chris pushes him.
  • Confessional gag: Chris enters the confessional to tell DJ to hurry up when he is taking too long to decide who to vote for.
  • Lindsay misunderstanding the voting process.

Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

  • DJ's running gag: DJ accidentally hurts a panda bear during the first challenge.
  • Ezekiel's cameo: Team Amazon spots Ezekiel's silhouette from behind a pile of crates while in the cargo hold, but disappear seconds later.
  • Harold's running gag: Harold tells about him going to Sensei Steve's Summer Camp.
  • Drop of Shame gag: Harold performs a fake seppuku and falls off the plane without a parachute.
  • Courtney declaring herself the leader of her team.
  • Harold correcting Chris on false information about Japan.
  • Lindsay not understanding the voting process, despite telling Chris that she does.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Team I Am Really Really Really Hot" instead of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.

Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better

  • DJ's running gag: DJ unintentionally hurts a baby seal as he couldn't see where he was going.
  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Tyler as Noah.
  • Ezekiel's cameo: As the plane is about to land, Ezekiel is seen in the cargo hold watching three rats jumping off the plane through a trap door, wearing small parachutes.
  • Drop of Shame gag: As Bridgette is about to reveal Alejandro's true nature to her team, Chris quickly pushes her off the plane.
  • Confessional gag: Both Lindsay and Chris interrupted Tyler's last confessional of the episode.
  • Sierra's running gag:  Sierra threw ice blocks at a polar bear that was approaching Cody and Owen.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Team Chris Is Really Really Crazy Hot" instead of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.

Broadway, Baby!

  • DJ's running gag: DJ causes a baby snapping turtle to get eaten by a much larger turtle when he attempts to throw the former back into the pond.
  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Tyler as Dave.

Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water

  • Ezekiel's cameo: Owen saw Ezekiel, through a window, hanging upside down on one of the planes wing, but vanish when Owen shook his head. A second clip shows Ezekiel appearing in Chris' hot tub, obscure by the steam, with Chris in it. As Chris reach out for a baseball bat, Ezekiel once again vanishes.
  • Eva saying "Aw, forget this," hurting someone (usually by throwing a microphone down at the ground so that it bounces up and hits the innocent bystander in the groin) and storming away angrily.
  • Geoff denying that there was a second guest by bringing up extra segments.

Slap Slap Revolution

  • DJ's running gag: DJ hurts a seagull and baby goat.
  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay refers to Tyler as Darrel, but later on in the episode, remembers that his name is actually Tyler.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Team Chris Is Reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaally Hot" instead of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot and "Team Elusive Victory" and "Team Opposite of Victory" instead of Team Victory.
  • Drop of Shame gag: After she was voted off, Leshawa attempts to hang on to the door after being shove by Chris but Alejandro pushes her off.
  • Chris speaking German incorrectly.

The Am-AH-Zon Race

  • DJ's running gag: DJ stepped on and slapped a bunch of small monkeys as he mistook them for mosquitoes.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Tiny Victory," "Victory Duo," and "Victory Twins" instead of Team Victory.
  • Team Amazon getting bad luck after Gwen curses them for saying it will be an easy challenge, since it will be located in the Amazon.
  • Fake eliminiation gag: Chris calls a fake elimination on his own terms, after Heather gets the most votes.

Can't Help Falling in Louvre

  • DJ's running gag: DJ hurts a bear, a baby seal, and Sasquatchanakwa.
  • Drop of Shame gag: Lindsay jumps and hits her head on the door before falling off the plane.
  • Chris being unable to pronounce the word 'Louvre' properly.

Newf Kids on the Rock

  • DJ's running gag: DJ nearly suffocates a killer whale, and indirectly hurts a seagull.
  • Ezekiel's cameo: After Chef threw Heather out of the plane, Ezekiel can be seen hiding behind some crates while Chef is laughing. He is also seen in the exclusive clip inside a pot and was frighten at the sight of Owen.
  • Confessional gag: Heather interrupts DJ's confession by popping out of the vents in order to recruit him into an alliance.
  • Sierra stealing Cody's toothbrush, after Heather finds it on the ground in the Total Drama Jumbo Jet.
  • A person making a mistake and saying something embarrassing in the confessional and afterward, reaching for the camera and demanding the tape.
    • This gag was performed by Heather, Gwen, and Courtney, as the three of them were members of Team Amazon.
    • All three confessionals are about a boy the girls are attracted to.
  • Heather trying to get DJ to form an alliance with her.

Jamaica Me Sweat

  • DJ's running gag: During the toboggan challenge, DJ runs over a walrus and a flock of seagulls.
  • Ezekiel's cameo: During the elimination ceremony, Ezekiel can be seen on top of the hut.
  • Izzy hitting Owen in the groin.
  • Team name gag: Chris calling Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot "Team I Am So Hunky Dory Dreamy Hot," "I Am Super Duper Mega Whopper Hot," and "Team I Am So Wicked Wicked Hot."
  • Drop of Shame gag: Even though the plane had already landed, DJ still jumped off the plane but he accidentally landed on a colony of fire ants.
  • Tyler finding random objects instead of Chef's gold chains in the lagoon.

Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon

  • DJ's running gag: Several clips shows more animals that DJ accidentally hurt.
  • Izzy's running gag: Izzy becomes Brainzilla after becoming a genius due to the events of the previous episode, but turns back to her usual crazy self after she receives a blow to the head.
  • Ezekiel's cameo: During Total Drama Fugitive segment, Ezekiel's silhouette can be seen pouncing on a rat.

I See London...

  • Owen attempts to make jokes in an attempt to make Noah laugh, and fails.
  • Confessional gag: Duncan enters the confessional while Gwen is using it. Tyler also pokes his head in as Duncan and Gwen are kissing.

Greece's Pieces

  • Ezekiel's cameo: While the contestants are listening to Chris in the cafeteria, Ezekiel can be seen under the table, slowly closing the trapdoor.
  • Drop of Shame gag: Chris declare his intern to be eliminated instead of Duncan and pushes him off the plane.
  • Chris shoving interns out of the plane.
  • People calling Cody weak and Team Amazon an all-girls team.
  • Chef whipping Duncan with a towel.
  • Duncan being forced to sing every word he says.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Team Me," "Team I Am Really Really Really Hot" and "Team Super Hot Me" instead of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.
  • Fake elimanation gag: Chris calls a fake elimination on his own terms, after Duncan gets the most votes. In result of this, he eliminates an intern.

The EX-Files

  • Ezekiel's cameo: Early in the episode, Ezekiel is in the cockpit next to Chef's inflated dummy.
  • Drop of Shame gag: An enraged Courtney threw Tyler out of the plane.
  • Alejandro hypnotizing Owen and Owen singing "The Running Man" (Take Me Out to the Ballgame).

Picnic at Hanging Dork

  • Ezekiel's cameo: Ezekiel is seen sleeping under the plane's wheel, preventing the plane from landing.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Team Chris is Super Hot," "Team I am Totally Smokin' Hot" and "Team Mini Me" instead of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.
  • Drop of Shame gag: While insulting Courtney, Gwen fell off the plane before she could wear her parachute.
  • Confessional gag: Chef enters the confessional to pull Courtney out while she is stamping Gwen's passport several times.
  • Sierra stealing Cody's underwear.

Sweden Sour

  • Ezekiel's cameo: While Alejandro and Heather are in the cargo hold, Ezekiel's silhouette appears behind several crates when Chris announces Team Amazon must go to the elimination ceremony.
  • Team name gag: Chris says "Team Me," "Team Perfect Me," and "Team Me Be Hot" instead of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.
  • Fake elimination gag: Chris calls a fake elimination on his own terms, after Courtney gets the most votes.

Aftermath Aftermayhem

  • Tyler's running gag: Tyler getting injured.
  • Harold adding worse details about Bridgette's situation.
  • Geoff attempting to keep the show running longer so Blaineley would get fired, while Blaineley does the opposite, and attempts to rush the show.

Niagara Brawls

  • Ezekiel's cameo: Ezekiel appears early in the episode stealing a piece of cheese from a rat and quickly hides as two interns pull Owen into the cargo hold.
  • Drop of Shame gag: Owen gets stuck in the door and Alejandro has to kick him out in order to free him.

Chinese Fake-Out

  • Ezekiel's cameo: Ezekiel can be seen hiding behind the bar, attempting to steal some of Duncan and Courtney's cake, but quickly hides when Duncan approaches.
  • Drop of Shame gag: Chirs quickly pushed both Courtney and Blaineley out of the plane.
  • Chris getting interrupted several times by getting a phone call during the challenges.
  • Chris speaking Chinese incorrectly.

African Lying Safari

  • Alejandro and Heather speaking in unison.
  • Drop of Shame gag: Chris once again pushes Duncan off the plane.
  • Confessional gag: Chris interrupts Heather's confession at the end of the episode.
  • Sierra's running gag: Sierra fighting monkeys for Cody.

Rapa Phooey!

  • Ezekiel's cameo: Ezekiel can be seen hiding in economy class, behind a curtain, watching Sierra and Heather.
  • Chris trying to take control of the plane, with Chef smacking his hand away.

Awwwwww, Drumheller

  • Ezekiel's cameo: When it is revealed that Sierra uses sparkling candles on the cake she made, Ezekiel and several animals quickly ran out of the plane before it explodes.
  • Confessional gag: Sierra walks into Heather's confession, frightening her.

Hawaiian Style

Hawaiian Punch

  • Sierra's running gag: Sierra fighting a shark before it eats Cody.

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island


  • Anne Maria's hair being indestructible.
  • Brick getting hurt.
  • Dakota's paparazzi appearing and then shooed by Chris.
  • Staci's constant lying.
  • Dawn reading other people's auras.
  • Scott getting hurt in the confessionals.
  • Scott having bad interactions with Fang.
  • Lightning thinking Jo is a male.
  • Sam's gaming.
  • Chris hurling people away before they can finish what they wanted to say.
  • Cameron pulling on heavy items.
  • Cameron being excited that it is his first time doing something.
  • Mike's multiple personalities appearing.

Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!

  • Dawn's running gag: When Dawn is introduced, she reads B's aura saying that it was purplish-green. She also read Zoey's and knows that she is an only child.
  • Anne Maria's running gag: Cameron crashes into Anne Maria's rock solid hair.
  • Staci's running gag: Staci constantly bringing up one of her family members or ancestors, claiming that they invented a certain object or action, such as:
    • Her great-aunt Millie invented suntans.
    • Her unnamed third uncle twice removed invented life preservers.
    • Her great-great-great uncle Boris invented swimming.
    • Her uncle Bill won the New York marathon four times.
    • Her great-great-great aunt Dora taught native Canadians how to carve totems.
    • Her great-great-great uncle James invented log cabins.
    • Her great-great-great-great-great aunt Phillis invented roofs.
    • Before she took the Hurl of Shame, she is about to mention another family member, but was flung away before she can finish her sentence.
  • Mike's running gag: Chester, one of Mike's alternate personalities, appears for the first time during the challenge.
  • Cameron's running gag: Cameron is excited by going over his first waterfall.

Truth or Laser Shark

  • Dawn's running gag: Dawn reads Dakota's aura saying that her need of fame is really a depressed cry for love.
  • Mike's running gag: Mike turns into Chester in his sleep. Later, he becomes Svetlana for the first time during the obstacle course challenge.
  • Chris takes Sam's video game console and Dakota's cell phone.

Ice Ice Baby

  • Mike's running gag: Mike becomes Chester when he is hit by a spoon. During the snow fort challenge, he turns into Svetlana in order to break in to the Toxic Rats' fort. Finally, Vito also appears for the first time almost immediately after Svetlana breaks into the fort.
  • Dawn's running gag: Dawn reads Scott's aura and knows of his sad childhood.
  • Anne Maria's running gag: Anne Maria's hair being impervious to snowballs and icecubes, so that Brick and Zoey use her as a shield.

Finders Creepers

  • Mike's running gag: Mike becomes Vito after his shirt is snagged by a tree branch. Later, in order to save Zoey, he transforms into Svetlana.
  • Brick wetting himself.
  • Cameron's running gag: Cameron raises his voice for the first time, and find he enjoys it.
  • Anne Maria and Mike (Vito) making out, annoying Cameron.
  • A contestant being captured by the giant spider while their team mate (who is just next to them) has their back turned.
  • Dakota having hearing problems after having a loud horn blasted into her ear.

Backstabbers Ahoy!

  • Mike's running gag: At the beginning of the episode, Mike transforms into Vito, Svetlana and Chester while in his sleep. Later in the episode, his shirt is accidentally ripped off when Anne Maria and Zoey are fighting, transforming into Vito. He also becomes Svetlana during the surfing challenge.
  • Dawn's running gag: Dawn reads Brick, Lightning and Mike's (offscreen) auras.

Runaway Model

  • Sam hallucinating everything around him like in a video game.
  • Anne Maria's running gag: A woodpecker pecks at Anne Maria's poof.
  • Mike's running gag: Mike transforms into Chester after getting tired of Anne Maria and Zoey putting make up on Jo.

A Mine Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

  • Mike's running gag: Mike's fourth personality, Manitoba Smith, appears for the first time.
  • Cameron's running gag: Cameron becomes excited by going on his first mine-cart, but later states he doesn't like it. He also says that Mike was his first buddy, and was dismayed when he believed he didn't have long to live.
  • Anne Maria's running gag: Scott lands on Anne Maria's poof and stays supported there.

The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean

  • Dakota's hatred for Chris further mutates her.
  • Mike's running gag: All of Mike's personalities appear at one point. First Manitoba, then Chester, Svetlana and finally Vito.

Grand Chef Auto

  • Mike's running gag: Mike transforms into Chester while using the confessional. Scott later rips his shirt, turning him into Vito, in order for him to help Scott.

Eat, Puke and Be Wary

  • The interns take their time messing with Chris instead of helping him out of the communal bathroom.
  • Lightning having trouble cooking.

The Enchanted Franken-Forest

  • Lightning reading the map incorrectly and ending up at different places.
  • Lightning getting burned by a fire breathing flower.

Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown

  • Staci's running gag: Staci is about to say what her great-great grandfather invented, but Larry eats her before she can complete her sentence.

Total Drama All-Stars


  • Mike's multiple personalities appearing, and later failing to appear.
  • Gwen accidentally injuring Courtney while trying to apologize to her, making other people such as Chris commending Gwen for being evil or thinking Gwen is doing this on purpose.
  • Gwen ignoring Duncan's attempts to flirt with her.
  • Gwen feeling like a fish out of water, being a "good person" on a team of villains.
  • Scott getting injured in almost every episode.
  • Alejandro faking his leg injuries by hand walking.
  • Sam being very useless to the team and constantly falling over and groaning.
  • Sam having bad interactions with animals.
  • Sam falling on top of Cameron when he's exhausted.
  • Sierra mentioning Cody, who isn't competing. Additionally, she starts to hallucinate Cameron as Cody and started to call him Cody instead of Cameron.
  • Duncan unable to stop acting as a nice person and frequently mistaken for a hero, but denies it when he realizes what he is doing.
  • Zoey frequently apologizing to everyone.
  • Scott having bad interactions with Fang.
  • Scott being unimpressed with challenges, causing Chris to make them more painful.
  • Chris being a bad room mate during his stay at the McLean Spa Hotel.

Heroes vs. Villains

  • Gwen defending herself saying that she didn't steal Duncan from Courtney, as they were not dating at the time.
  • The Robot tries to get close to Heather.
  • Lindsay's running gag: Lindsay calling Alejandro "Jalapeño".
  • Mike's running gag: When Mike is introduced, all of his personalities make brief appearances.
  • Sierra's running gag: Sierra fights Fang and two sharks after diving into the lake.
  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra jumps out of the helicopter, proclaiming, "For Cody!". While talking to Sam, she says that she is going to win for Cody. She also found a key that resembles Cody.
  • Sam's running gag: Sam becoming exhausted after climbing up the diving hill and falling on top of Cameron, before later being mauled by sharks resulting in him collapsing onto the carrier and being immobilized.
  • Sam's running gag (2): Sam's photo of Dakota is stolen by an octopus. He was also attacked by Fang and two other sharks while in the water.
  • Gwen's running gag (2): Gwen tries to apologize to Courtney by giving her flowers, however, Courtney turns out to be allergic to them.

Evil Dread

  • Contestants setting off booby traps or falling into their team's moat and having crabs attack them.
  • Sam's running gag: Due to having his blood drained by a mosquito, Sam spends the entire episode drowsy and constantly collapses and is unable to help his team dig.
  • Sam's running gag (2): Having his blood sucked up by a mosquito. He was also attack by crabs and stung by jellyfishes.
  • Scott's running gag: Scott getting repetitively injured; getting hit by his shovel, Cameron crashing into him, and releasing a bee swarm trap.
  • Gwen's running gag (2): After the challenge, Gwen attempts to congratulate Courtney, but she accidentally triggers a booby trap. Attempting to defend herself, she hits the falling garbage bag and hits Courtney.
  • Mike's running gag: Cameron places a hat on Mike in order to get Manitoba Smith to aid them in the challenge. Later, Scott accidentally hits Mike on the head, unleashing an evil personality known as Mal.
  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra has been digging at the exact same spot for an hour, resulting in a twenty feet deep hole. It is then revealed that she is pretending to look for Cody.
  • Lightning vomiting throughout the episode after eating a raw fish at the beginning of the episode.

Saving Private Leechball

  • Sam's running gag: Sam is unable to participate in the challenge due to his unpleasant night on Boney Island, and needs to be carried by his teammates where he spends the episode slouched in a cave.
  • Sam's running gag (2): On Boney Island, Sam is hiding from a group of bears by climbing a tree. However, a squirrel threw an acorn at him, causing him to fall down and get mauled by the bears. Later during the challenge, he gets hits with a bunch of leeches after he was used as a shield by Courtney.
  • Gwen's runnning gag (2): When Gwen tries to welcome Courtney on her team, she accidentally kicks a bucket full of leeches at her.
  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra starts to see Cameron as Cody and even calls him Cody.
  • Scott continuously getting hit by leeches.

Food Fright

  • Sam's running gag: While eating the pancakes, Sam accidentally disturbs a beehive, causing the bees to attack him.
  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra views her entire team as Cody and calls them by his name.
  • Scott thought that the challenge didn't sound hard so Chris adds the salad spinner.
  • Duncan's running gag: Duncan blows Gwen a kiss, and cheers for Sam, both of which really confuse him.

Moon Madness

  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra calls Cameron Cody instead of his name.
  • Heather pretended to fall under the effects of the Blue Harvest Moon and started to act nice to confuse Alejandro.
  • Scott being attacked by the Blue Harvest Moon-affected animals.

No One Eggspects The Spanish Opposition

  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra named the mutated rat after Cody. Additionally, she asked Duncan if she could call him Cody.
  • Duncan's running gag: When Duncan comments to Alejandro that they were the two biggest villains, Alejandro refers to them as "Mother hens" to Duncan's annoyance. Duncan is caught on tape being asking a bird nicely if he could borrow its egg, and when the bird starts crying he is unable to stop himself from shedding tears as well.

Suckers Punched

  • Sierra's running gag: Sierra fought the mother of her conjoined rats in a boxing match but lost easily.
  • Duncan's running gag: Duncan warns Zoey of Mal to which she is grateful for, however he still denies he was being nice. In the challenge Chris calls him "Duncan Do-Gooder", and pits him against the bird from the previous episode which he cannot bring himself to harm.
  • Sierra's running gag (2): Sierra calling out for Cody as she takes the Flush of Shame.
  • Gwen and Courtney talking in unison.

You Regatta Be Kidding Me

  • Duncan's running gag: Duncan tries to paint graffiti of a skull, but Zoey mistakes it for a rabbit. He then tries to drive Chef's jeep into the lake, but when it doesn't start he fixes it to which Chef thanks him. He later comments how Cameron was more villainous then he was.
  • Cameron doing actions that are deemed villainous, and believing he is turning into a villain.
  • Courtney insisting that Chris's cottage is bigger than what Chris deems -- particularly a mansion.

Zeek And Ye Shall Find

  • Chris' running gag: Chris joins Alejandro at the hot tub, skinny dipping which disturbs Alejandro and causes him to leave.
  • A character cuddling in fear in the confessional.
  • Chef and the chubby intern having trouble trying to fix the monitor.
  • The captured contestants describe the cage they are in as a party.
  • Gwen's claustrophobia.
  • Scott attempts to compliment Courtney.
  • Chef eating ice-cream to calm himself.

The Obsta-Kill Kourse

  • Chris' running gag: Gwen complains of Chris' behavior in the previous night while they are at the Spa Hotel.
  • Alejandro repetitively getting injured by Mal.
  • Once more Scott thought the challenge wasn't so hard, so Chris makes each contestant wear a 50 pound pack for the challenge.
  • Alejandro repetitively tries to warn others by Mal, but keeps getting hurt in the process.
  • Scott does not make it through a single without encountering trouble.

Sundae Muddy Sundae

  • Chris' running gag: Chris suddenly pops up from one of his painting to sign off the episode, disturbing Zoey who is trying to sleep.
  • Scott being stuck in last place and suffering several misfortunes.
  • The bear trying to eat its ice-cream.

The Bold and the Booty-ful

  • Chris' running gag: Chris complaining to Zoey about the Spa Hotel's condition.
  • Chris speaking loudly through the loudspeakers.

The Final Wreck-ening

  • Alejandro and Heather making out.
  • Chris receiving phone calls from the producers.

Total Drama: Pahkitew Island


  • Chris producing some kind of food as a reward which turns out to have a disgusting production method.
  • Topher complimenting Chris though most of them made Chris felt that he is getting old.
  • Ella singing.
  • Dave's germaphobic behavior.
  • Jasmine unaware that her height and monstrous strength intimidate other people.
  • Dave's obsession with Sky.
  • Rodney falling in love with almost every girl he sees.
  • Shawn's constant fear of zombies, causing him to mistake others for zombies.
  • Sugar eating almost everything.
  • Leonard believes he is a real wizard with magic.
  • Max having bad interactions with animals.
  • Max trying to prove how evil he is to little or no success.
  • Max continuously getting injured, especially by animals.
  • People complimenting Amy for something that Samey did, or something the former did better.
  • Samey getting annoyed at people badmouthing her, while praising Amy, due to mistaking her for her sister.
  • Sky belching as a result of being nervous.
  • Scarlett explaining something very long and technical before giving a summarized version of it when others couldn't understand what she is saying.
  • Sugar's poor spelling.
  • Sugar's mascara running whenever she gets wet.
  • Someone realizing something is odd about Pahkitew Island such as the disappearance of some of the geographical landmarks.

So, Uh This Is My Team?

  • Beardo keeps making sound effects.
    • He is beat-boxing on the blimp.
    • When he tries to deploy his parachute but chickens came out, he makes the "wa wa wa" noise.
    • Beardo makes a farting noise when Sugar sits down.
    • When Chef starts firing, he makes the sound of a car driving as he runs away.
    • He starts running in slow motion and makes slow motion running sounds.
    • When he gets hit by a tennis ball, he makes a dinging noise.
    • He makes construction noises when his team is trying to think of what to build.
    • When he realizes that he has been voted off, he makes the sound of Pac-Man dying.
    • Beardo makes the sound of the cannon exploding before Chris actually fires him out of it.
  • Rodney's running gag: At the beginning of the episode, Rodney compliments how smart Scarlett is. Later, he falls in love with Jasmine and believes it is love at first sight.
  • Leonard's running gag: Leonard "performing" an evil-repellent spell, a floating spell and a force field.
  • Max's running gag: Max fleeing out of the cave due to a swarm of bats and then getting run over by a horde of moose.
  • Max getting repeatedly hit by tennis balls.

I Love You, Grease Pig!

  • Rodney's running gag: Rodney continues to be infatuated with Jasmine before falling in love with Amy instead. He later has a "tearful break up" with Jasmine in order to "be with" Amy.
  • Leonard's running gag: Leonard attempting to "perform" a spell to levitate his team's pig. He later tried to cast a spell to reverse time to prevent his elimination.
  • Waneyihtam Maskwak's pig farting.
  • Sugar hugging her team's pig.
  • Max's running gag : Max is betrayed by the grease pig.

Twinning Isn't Everything

  • Rodney's running gag: Rodney once again falls in love with Jasmine and breaks up with Amy in another tearful moment.
  • Chris trying to make himself look younger.

I Love You, I Love You Knots

  • Rodney's running gag: Rodney still believes that he and Jasmine are a couple before falling in love with Scarlett. Later, he falls for Amy again (not knowing that she is actually Samey) and believes that that he has three girlfriends at the same time. This results him being unable to tell the truth of who he likes the best as he's afraid that he might hurt one of the girls' feelings.
  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar ate a tarantula that she was supposed to pat.
  • Max's running gag: Max is shown to dislike Clucky and refuses to let her sit on his lap. He is also caught lying by Clucky, resulting in his whole team getting shocked.
  • Clucky and Chris shocking the contestants even when they did not fail a challenge.
  • Rodney continuously getting "Truth" ans failing to answer correctly, resulting in him and his team getting shocked.

A Blast from the Past

  • Shawn's running gag: Shawn mistakes Amy for a zombie, and later does the same to Chef Hatchet and Jasmine.
  • Max's running gag: Max gets attacked by Scuba Bear.
  • Scarlett's running gag: Scarlett explains to the contestant how she is able to dodge Sky's attack but then simply says that Sky swung too hard and fall down.
  • Chris being unable to stop smiling, due to a recent "slowtox" treatment.

Mo Monkey Mo Problems

  • Max's running gag: Max gets monkey feces thrown on him.
  • Scarlett's running gag: Scarlett tells her plan to find the monkey holding the coin but when her team couldn't understand what she says, Scarlett simply tell them to play a game of "Monkey see, Monkey do."
  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar licks a vending machine, then eats a banana meant for a monkey.

This Is The Pits!

  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar ate a glow bug which made her belly button glow in the dark.
  • Max's running gag: Max awakens to find he's covered in fire ants, which have infested his bed. He tries to kill them burning them with a magnifying glass, but only ends up setting his bed on fire. Later Max attempts to command a robotic crocodile to obey him, however it only ends up attempting to bite his hand off before biting him in the butt.
  • Sugar interfering Sky and Dave from bonding any further.
  • Jasmine's claustrophobia.
  • Everyone believes that Max and Scarlett are a couple.
  • Someone making loud noises causes more trouble than they are already in.

Three Zones and A Baby

  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar ate a rotten egg that was meant for Topher. Later, she ate the meatball spaghetti that Chef shot at Max.
  • Max's running gag: Max awakens a sleeping lion.
  • Max taking an interest in baby sitting.
  • Topher checking Chris' phone for a possible text message from the producers.

Hurl and Go Seek

  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar easily drank her Juggy Chunks and even demands that Chris gives her more after finishing all the leftovers.
  • The contestants acting like zombies after consuming expired food.
  • Shawn's running gag: Shawn mistaking all of the other contestants for zombies.
  • Contestants throwing Dave's shoe into the distance, injuring someone in the process.

Scarlett Fever

  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar ate a nest filled with bird eggs.
  • Max's running gag: Scarlett sends Scuba Bear to attack Max which he happily greets at first, only for it to tear off his skin and reveal he's a robot, before chasing after Max.
  • Shawn's running gag: Shawn taking out a whole army of Chris promo-bots when he is told that they're zombies.
  • Chris more concerned about not having foam on his coffee than of the contestants' whereabouts.
  • Max getting electrocuted.
  • Jasmine admiring Shawn's skills and accepting her boyfriend's quirks.

Sky Fall

  • Shawn's running gag: Shawn becoming frozen in fear when he believes the robot crocodiles are zombies, as well as him taking on and defeating a robot crocodile for the same reasons.
  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar eating cabbages in order to cure her constipation.
  • Chris' monitors being destroyed.

Pahk'd With Talent

  • Sugar's running gag: Sugar eating a beehive's honey when it was actually a trap set by Chris.
  • Shawn having bad luck in the first two challenges.
  • The chubby intern having to put the cash back into the case.

Lies, Cries and One Big Prize

  • Chris speaking in slang while using the confessional.
  • Sky being guilt-tripped on her past actions with Dave.


  • Chris' mistreatment towards his interns, Chef, and the contestants.
  • Chef crossdressing which either earned him the disgust of the other contestants or him getting embarrassed.
  • Courtney mentioning her lawyers.
  • Chris supposedly helping the contestants with their problems by making them worse.
  • Chris hating romance and friendship between the contestants.
  • Izzy telling stories that the contestants find hard to believe.
  • Numerous characters ended up becoming bald:
  • Noah having several unexpected events occur to him whenever he is seen sleeping:
  • Noah's unique form of word play and sarcasm:
    • In Haute Camp-ture, he states that his "golden Labrador drools less over a rib-eyed steak" than Courtney drooling over Duncan.
    • He describes Izzy being a "Brazil nut-sized nut-job" in Can't Help Falling in Louvre.
    • In Jamaica Me Sweat, he calls Izzy "Nutty as a ten ton bag of pecans smothered in peanut butter encased in a cashew the size of China."
    • In I See London..., he express his opinion on Alejandro and described him as an "eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil" and "he's like Heather only with social skills."
  • Animals and even male characters falling for Justin.
  • Harold hitting himself on the head and knocking himself out whenever he uses his nun-chucks.
  • Trent being uncomfortable with girls after his failed relationship with Gwen.
  • Izzy engage Chef in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Chris disturbing the contestants while they are using the confessional in addition of revealing the confessional tapes to others.
  • Lindsay surprising the other contestants when she comes up with a good plan or when she performs well in a challenge.
  • Owen's eating habits and other odd behaviors.
  • The contestants ignoring Heather or saying "No one likes you" to her after Total Drama Island.
  • Chris being disliked by animals:
  • Certain characters being pain magnets and suffering from near-death injuries comically in almost every episode they appear.
  • Alejandro and Justin admiring themselves in a mirror or removing their shirt.
  • Owen mysteriously grows facial hair in a short amount of time.
  • Chris making the challenge harder after hearing one of the contestants' opinion.
  • DJ mentioning his mother and hoping he gets to see her again.
  • Lindsay having problems trying to vote, usually resulting in her voting for everyone or herself.
  • Duncan refusing to admit to being nice, which is taken to the extreme in Total Drama All-Stars.
  • Cody's failed attempts to woo Gwen.
  • Several contestants ended up becoming obsessed with their love interests:
    • Trent and Cody to Gwen.
    • Beth to Justin.
    • Katie and Sadie to Trent and Justin.
    • Sierra to Cody and later Cameron (after mistaken him to the former).
    • Dave to Sky.
  • Several characters have verbal habits:
    • Courtney telling everyone she was a C.I.T.
    • Harold saying "Gosh" or "Awesome" to express his surprise. He also frequently uses the phrase "mad skills" to describe his talents.
    • Duncan saying "Later losers" whenever he is about to leave an area, and responding by saying "Whatever."
    • Owen saying "You gonna finish that?" in response to someone leaving their meal uneaten.
    • Ezekiel adding "Eh?" at the end of every sentence.
    • Alejandro reverting to his native Spanish dialect whenever he is frustrated.
    • Cameron referring to things with their scientific terms, as well as commenting how the odds are "astronomical", or how it is "illogical".
    • Jo giving the contestants nicknames.
    • Lightning putting "Sha" at the start of a majority of his sentences.
    • Several of Mike's alternate personalities have their own tics:
      • Chester saying "Dag nabbit" and often starting sentences with "back in my day".
      • Svetlana referring to herself in third person.
      • Vito saying "Ayo" before a majority of his sentences and referring to himself as "The Vito."
    • Brick referring to people as "Sir!"or "Ma'am!"
    • Zoey frequently apologizing.
    • Max and his catch phrase, "Time to evil."
    • Rodney's speech becoming incoherent whenever he falls in love with a girl.

