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The competition starts to heat up when the remaining castmates face a prison-themed movie challenge. One team is pretty confident, as they have a special deal with a team member from the opposing team. One team wins their first challenge of the season, while somebody returns to the competition. Somebody else is eliminated due to their previous actions, though they feel they earned some extra "karma points" in doing so.



Owen farting in the guys' trailer.

The episode opens with the castmates being startled awake by the sound of a loud horn. In the guys' trailer, Duncan hits his head in reaction to the noise. He then gets up and claims first dibs on peeing; however, when he attempts to open the door and discovers it is locked, he asks for help. Justin, who is wearing a cucumber face mask and has a fan pointed at his hands, says it would be insane to risk more cuticle damage on the twelfth day of his manicure. Owen walks towards the door and says, "Dudes, I got this," making Justin drop the cucumbers on his eyes as he turns to look at Harold, who gasps and lets out an "uh-oh."

TDA Harold
Rule number one: Do not wake Owen's beast within first thing in the morning.

As the guys watch Owen desperately smash the door open with his body, Harold remembers that they had cowboy beans the night before and warns Owen that he is risking a gas leak. Owen is irritated by this and asks if they think of him as a fart machine, but Duncan dismisses this by telling him that they just value their lives, comforting Owen, who hugs the guys and promises not to fart again but does so by accident anyway, filling the trailer's air with his gas.

In the girls' trailer, while Lindsay is attempting to open the door, Gwen seems paranoid, saying once again that she is claustrophobic. Heather answers, "This trailer is as tight as the space between Lindsay's ears," and Lindsay thanks Heather, not noticing the sarcasm. Gwen notices a vent in the trailer's ceiling and suggests that one of them might be able to squeeze through, smirking at Heather, who is confused by Gwen's smug expression.

TDA Gwen
Ever since the whole awful Trent thing went down, I've just been waiting for karma to bite me in the butt, but what could I do? He was my weakness, my Achilles' heel — we all have one, and luckily, Heather has a whole bunch of useful ones: glittery objects, new hair products, shameless flattery.

Heather is then persuaded to climb through the roof by Gwen, who exploits one of Heather's flaws by claiming that only a toothpick could fit through, to which Heather agrees for once with her. Leshawna says she sometimes wishes she was one of the guys.

Back in the guys' trailer, they are also seen trying to escape through the vent by climbing on each other, which Harold tells Owen he'll never be able to fit through, despite Owen's stubbornness. Justin then tries to climb on top but screams when he sees a hangnail on his hand, but Harold reminds Justin that there is no time for whining and that he should keep climbing. Justin says that it would be easier if "Mount DJ" was there with them, to which Duncan agrees, asking where he is anyway.

Chef scares djj

Chef intimidates DJ, giving himself control over the alliance.

The scene shifts to the kitchen, where Chef Hatchet is coaching DJ to help him boost his confidence. Chef tells DJ that he will no longer be a "momma's boy," as he chops a banana, a shoe, a can, and an apple into a sauce pan, calling it "perfection." As DJ asks what it is, Chef feeds it to DJ with a spoon, who shudders in disgust. Chef tells DJ that he is tasting pride, "the most important virtue in a man's life," as he describes it, and then commands them to stir a pot. DJ tells himself that if Chef wants pride, his mother will give it to him with his special flavor mix, which he refers to as "momma's spice," adding a lot to the pot.

Then, in the guys' trailer again, guys then use Owen as a battering ram in their trailer, prompting Duncan to ask Owen if he is sure about this, to which Owen answers by shouting, but just as they are about to hit the door, Chris opens it, allowing them to escape by falling. Chris then tells the castmates that the theme for this week's challenge will be a "Prison Break," showing that there is an area around them that has been appropriately decorated to match the episode. Chris then goes into an unappealing and crude description of prison life.

TDA Harold
Talk about overkill. This place is plenty prison-like already. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, I should probably be locked up for the ladies' sake anyways.

Chris then describes the challenge, in which each team will pick a member from the opposite team to eat a disgusting dish made by their team, in an effort to simulate gross prison food. The first of the two castmates to throw up will be declared the loser

The teams are then shown preparing for the first challenge. The Killer Grips are feeling quite overconfident, as Justin reminds them that Gwen will likely throw the challenge for the Screaming Gaffers, due to Trent's previous actions. The Screaming Gaffers talk about the other team's weaknesses, so Heather asks if they recall Lindsay locking herself in the bathroom, and Gwen confirms that she lost it when she drank everyone's shampoos thinking they were magic potions and vomited.

The Screaming Gaffers easily decide on Lindsay as their victim, as she is known to be extremely squeamish. The Grips then choose Gwen, as they know she will throw the challenge for them, which they desperately need. The two victims are then put in prison cell type cages, while the two teams prepare their disgusting meal.

TDA Gwen
I know I owe the Grips because of Trent's cheating, but even if we forget Lindsay's shampoo incident, last night she nearly hurled because Leshawna's gums smelled too 'minty fresh.' How am I gonna puke before that?!

While Lindsay looks at the ingredients and gags, Gwen says that the reward better be worth it, so Chris jokingly says if he's ever let them down but he then states that the winning team will gain an advantage in the next challenge, a golden shovel.

TDA Harold
Everybody knows more wars have been won with a shovel than a sword. Give a man a hole, and what does he have? Nothing. But give a man a shovel, and he can dig a hole to contain the nothing.

The teams begin preparing the meals. In the Screaming Gaffers' side, Duncan goes for the cockroaches while Harold pours an anchovy slimy paste and adds a horse lips, which Leshawna notices and asks where they get those things, and Harold tells her those are imported. However, in addition to the disgusting ingredients, DJ also puts in some of his mother's spices, as cannot bring himself to serve food that he is not proud of. Meanwhile, in the Killer Grips' side, Justin adds dead hair that Beth brought him, which was tangled in hairbrushes, and he tells her that he knew he could count on her, making Beth blush and fall, her retainer falling into the bowl; then, Owen starts to scrub his dry hair, filling the dish with dandruff, making Chris sing about it, "On top of spaghetti, all covered in flakes! And Gwen has to eat it, 'cause them's just a break!"

Then, when the victims eat the dishes, Lindsay considers her meal to be very good due to DJ adding his Mama spices, while Gwen could barely hold down her dish.

TDA Gwen
I was imaging every horrifying barf-worthy thing I could: drinking the janitor's mop water, the time my brother puked on my neck on the Tilt-a-Whirl, when I was babysitting and the dog ate the kid's diapers and then licked my face… But nothing was working!

Beth retainer

Beth finds her retainer covered in puke.

After taking another bite, Gwen barfed up Beth's retainer. When Beth places her barf covered retainer back into her mouth, Lindsay throws up due to being grossed out. This results in Gwen winning the challenge, much to the Grips' displeasure. Once the challenge ends, Lindsay reminds Gwen that she should have allowed the Grips to win. When Heather notices Gwen talking to Lindsay, she confronts her and asks suspiciously what she was talking about, and Gwen shoves aside Heather's suspicions by saying they were talking about the weather, flicking vomit on her head, leaving Heather still very much suspicious. Meanwhile, DJ has a conversation with Chef, where Chef at first tells him he is doing a terrible job at winning so far. Then, Chef shows a small amount of his softer side when he tells DJ that he used to be a lot like him, and then tells him to "not waste his gift" like he thinks he, himself, did.

Who knew Chef was such a softie? But I can't argue with the man. I got the gift. More spice. I love my mama.

Later, Chris describes the elimination challenge to the teams. They must have one member of their team push the rest through an obstacle course, until they reach a point where they will begin to dig a long tunnel from that point to the finish line. This challenge is to simulate breaking out of a prison. The Gaffers have the advantage of receiving a shovel to assist in digging their hole, while the Grips must dig with plastic spoons.

For the Gaffers, DJ offers to push the cart, until Gwen convinces him otherwise. Gwen arouses more suspicions from Heather as she insists on pushing the cart for her team, followed by a wink to the Grips, signaling to them that she will be helping them win the challenge. The Grips have more trouble deciding who will push for their team. Owen is quick to make up an excuse for why he cannot push, saying that his "trick knee" has been acting up ever since he "pushed it to the limit" at the "sports thing." Lindsay then flirtatiously asks Justin if he will push for their team. Justin then tells her that it will make Gwen's cheating for them look more natural if she pushes the cart. After he refers to her as "beautiful," Lindsay blushes, giggles, and agrees to push the cart for their team.

Once the challenge begins, Gwen ends up far ahead of the opposing team, as Lindsay is having trouble pushing such a heavy cart. The Grips, angered by Gwen's lead, begin to drop very obvious hints that Gwen needs to throw the challenge. Gwen comes to a stop as soon as she hears Beth call out that Gwen is running faster than Trent ever could. Once the Grips pass up the Gaffers several seconds later, Heather's suspicions rise high enough for her to begin suspiciously questioning Gwen about why she had stopped and why the Grips kept mentioning Trent's name. In an effort to convince her team that she had stopped for a legitimate reason, Gwen attempts to fake a cramp. Heather, still suspicious, then tells Gwen to keep moving, despite her "cramp," and Gwen complies.


Justin is too busy admiring his looks to help his team.

The Grips then reach their stopping point and begin to dig. The Gaffers aren't far behind and once they reach their stopping point, Leshawna begins to rapidly dig her team's hole. Gwen, noticing how much quicker Leshawna was moving compared to the Grips, begins to insist that she may injure herself. Heather then suspiciously asks Gwen why she isn't being supportive of her team and questions whether she wishes to win the challenge at all. Gwen denies Heather's assumptions, saying she is only concerned for the well-being of her teammates.

Meanwhile, Chris and Chef are watching from the sidelines. While watching, Chris unsuccessfully attempts to strike up small talk with Chef. Chris then asks if Chef is doing anything after work, but immediately stops once he gets a shocked look from Chef. Chris then backs off of the topic. The Killer Grips are shown, in the midst of digging their tunnel. Lindsay begins to worry that the Gaffers are far ahead of them. Justin coolly shoots down her worries, telling her that since Gwen must throw the challenge, they don't need to worry.


Gwen smashes the shovel over Harold's head to help stall for the Grips.

The Gaffers are also digging their hole, and are, in fact, very far ahead of the opposing team. Heather, Harold, and Leshawna are being to become excited over their strong chances of winning another challenge. Gwen then begins to worry. In an effort to slow their progress, Gwen begins to fake an anxiety attack due to claustrophobia. Gwen then grabs the shovel from Leshawna's hands and hits Harold over the head with it, smashing it in half and knocking out Harold.

TDA Harold
Classic prison madness. And that shovel thing? Heck, everyone knows first day of prison: Break something over some big dude's back, then nobody messes with you. I'm kinda scared of Gwen now… and kind of attracted to her. Don't tell Leshawna! Or Heather! Or Gwen!

Their shovel is then broken, leaving them with no digging tools. DJ convinces the team that, no matter what, they can still try their hardest to win. Leshawna agrees and tells the team to "get their dig on." However, at that moment, Izzy pops through a bank of dirt, into their hole. They are confused, until Izzy (who now possesses prairie dog style buck teeth) explains how she has been living underground with the prairie dogs since she was removed from the competition. Izzy then, tells the Gaffers to follow her to the finish line, as she knows a "short-cut," which makes Gwen nervous. Heather, noticing Gwen's nervousness, provokingly tells Gwen how great it is that they had found a short-cut, knowing that she didn't want them to win.

TDA Gwen
What choice did I have? If my team knew the truth, I'd be toast.

Izzy then leads the team through a tunnel, telling them more and more of her 'prairie dog' stories. They then pop out at the top of the hole, to find that the Grips had already won the challenge. Izzy then ditches the Gaffers, saying that it is more fun to be on the winning team, and walks over to the Grips. The Grips are very confused, telling her that they already voted her off. Izzy, however, tells them that they technically voted "E-Scope" off, not Izzy. A flash back of her elimination even shows Chris filing "E-Scope" elimination. Thus, Izzy is allowed to return to the game.


Owen and Izzy are happy to be reunited.

Later, the castmates are shown eating in the dining hall. Izzy and Owen are already flirting again, describing each other as desserts. At the Gaffers' table, Heather taunts Gwen, saying that she will be voted off, to which Gwen asks her how she is so sure. Heather replies, saying that she had seen through Gwen's 'stunt', assuring her that she knew that she threw the challenge. DJ then brings Gwen a dish of food, in order to 'keep her strength up.' Gwen then thanks DJ and Heather looks on angrily. Later, the Screaming Gaffers are shown at the Gilded Chris Ceremony. At the ceremony, Duncan, Leshawna, DJ and Harold all receive awards, while Heather and Gwen continuously glare at each other. Chris then announces that Heather receives the last Gilded Chris. Heather then, excitedly, takes Chris's place at the podium by pushing him down, telling Gwen that she is not a winner and is, therefore, a loser, to which Gwen only glares.

Three votes

Heather says that with her, Harold's, and Leshawna's vote she can vote off Gwen.

Following this are confessionals from all who had eliminated Gwen. Leshawna revealed that, although voting for Gwen hurt, she was upset that she had hit Harold over the head with a shovel. Harold revealed that, as a result of being hit over the head with a shovel by Gwen, if she stayed, according to "prison rules," he either needed to break a shovel over her head, fall in love with her, or vote her off. Since the first two options were impossible, he had to go with the third choice. Heather is shown declaring that with the three votes for Gwen she knew of (her own vote, plus Harold's and Leshawna's), Gwen would easily be eliminated. Gwen is then shown, being handcuffed by Chef, and taking the walk of losers. Once she had been handcuffed, Duncan offers to go instead of Gwen, as a joking way of saying that he really wants to be out of the competition and would take her spot to do so. However, once Chef actually attempts to take Duncan instead, he quickly assures them that he never actually wanted to take her spot, and that he is kidding. Gwen then takes the handcuffs from Chef and tells Duncan that he won't get out of the competition that easily. She then wishes him luck and walks to the lame-o-sine. Gwen's confessional is then shown, saying that the Grips had forced her to vote for herself in order to make up for Trent throwing more than one challenge for her. Chris is then shown, still at the Gilded Chris podium and obviously beat up, saying that Gwen voting herself off would win her "karma points," but loses her the competition and the money. He then signs off the show.

Exclusive clip[]

Not the aftermath

Gwen doesn't want to go to the aftermath studio after all of the drama.

TDA Gwen bw
Guess I'm not gonna get my necklace back from Trent. Oh well, guess that's karma for ya. (sigh) I am so relieved this is all over! Is that … Trent?! Hurry up, driver! Can we shut this off now? Aftershow? There's an aftershow? Oh, you have got to be kidding! Get me out of here!


Voice actor Role(s)
Christian Potenza Chris
Sarah Gadon Beth
Clé Bennett Chef Hatchet/DJ
Drew Nelson Duncan
Megan Fahlenbock Gwen
Brian Froud Harold
Rachel Wilson Heather
Katie Crown Izzy
Adam Reid Justin
Novie Edwards Leshawna
Stephanie Anne Mills Lindsay
Scott McCord Owen

Elimination Ceremony[]

Elimination Ceremony 4:
Screaming Gaffers
Status Contestant
IN TDA DuncanTDA LeshawnaTDA DJTDA Harold
Duncan, Leshawna, DJ, Harold
LOW TDA Heather

Voting Confessionals[]

TDA Leshawna
(voting against Gwen) Voting for Gwen? Yeah, that hurt. I'm not saying Heather was right, but something must've gone off of Gwen, smacking Harold upside his sweet little head like that. Huh, girl wasn't right. And when you're not right, you're wrong.
TDA Harold
(voting against Gwen) Thing is, if Gwen had stayed in the game, according to prison rules, I'd either have to break a shovel over her head or fall in love with her. Obviously, neither option was feasible.
TDA Heather
(voting against Gwen) My vote plus Leshawna's and Harold's equals the greatest day of my life. Bye-bye, Gwenny!
TDA Gwen
(voting against herself) Definition of lousy? Being a stickler for your word and having to vote yourself off. Whoever's in charge of karma, I hope that counts for something!

Still in the running[]

TDA Bridgette bw
TDA Geoff bw
TDA Trent bw
TDA Gwen bw
TDA Beth
TDA Screaming Gaffers
TDA Duncan
TDA Harold
TDA Izzy
TDA Justin
TDA Owen





  • This episode's title and content are based on the 1994 film, The Shawshank Redemption.
  • When Izzy is leading the Screaming Gaffers through the shortcut, there is a buried box with Jumanga written on it. This is a reference to the movie, Jumanji.
  • Heather pushing Chris at the Awards Ceremony is a reference to a scene in the movie, Bring It On: All or Nothing.
  • Chris says "No get out of jail free cards here" making a reference to the board game, Monopoly.
  • When Chris says that the Gaffers won the west, it is a possible reference to the western movie, How the West Was Won.


  • In "3:10 to Crazytown," Chris says the jump is 750 feet high. However, in the recap, he says it was 100 feet high.
  • When Gwen is panicking in the trailer, the G on her pajama shirt is backwards.
    • In addition, the G isn't present on her shirt before or after this episode.
  • When the boys fall out of the trailer, Leshawna is not seen standing with all the girls. Instead, she is seen standing next to Beth a moment later.
  • During the recap, the Grips are shown sitting at a table, but when the camera zooms out, they are all missing.
  • When the Gaffers cheer after receiving the golden shovel reward, Duncan is missing his nose piercing.
  • In the remastered version of the episode, when the scene switches from the girls' trailer to the guys' trailer, there is an establishing shot of the craft services tent added, implying that is where the following scene takes place. However, the scene still takes place in the trailer.


See also[]

Total Drama Action Episodes
Team Phase "Monster Cash" | "Alien Resurr-eggtion" | "Riot on Set" | "Beach Blanket Bogus" | "3:10 to Crazytown" | "The Aftermath: I" | "The Chefshank Redemption" | "One Flu Over the Cuckoos" | "The Sand Witch Project" | "Masters of Disasters" | "Full Metal Drama" | "The Aftermath: II" | "Ocean's Eight—or Nine" | "One Million Bucks, B.C." | "Million Dollar Babies"
Individual Phase "Dial M for Merger" | "Super Hero-ld" | "The Aftermath: III" | "The Princess Pride" | "Get a Clue" | "Rock n' Rule" | "Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen" | "2008: A Space Owen" | "Top Dog" | "Mutiny on the Soundstage" | "The Aftermath: IV"
Special "Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special"