Total Drama Wiki

Christian "Chris" McLean, labeled The Host with the Most, is the host of Total Drama. He has hosted almost every episode except for Basic Straining, Are We There Yeti?, Eat, Puke and Be Wary, and all the aftermaths other than The Aftermath: IV. He was arrested at the end of the fourth season for turning the island into a highly-contaminated toxic waste dump. However, he was paroled from prison and returned to host the following seasons.


Chris McLean is the primary host and the main antagonist of Total Drama. He is an overwhelming narcissist, with zero concern for the well-being of his contestants - and even sometimes best friend Chef Hatchet as well. Chris feeds off the pain of the teenagers, physical and emotional, and strives to keep the drama in Total Drama alive at all times. He appears to have gotten increasingly sadistic as the series has progressed, with the challenges turning from humiliating and occasionally dangerous, to being full-on life-threatening. While he continues to elaborate that it is for high-ratings, in later seasons it seems he is more concerned with causing pain than actually increasing the popularity with viewers. In The Final Wreck-ening, he excitedly explains that the challenge was so dangerous the network rejected the initial proposal - and he lied about shutting it down. However, in one instance, Chris does actually begin to worry that the contestants may die (but only because no competitors means no show, and no show means no paycheck to support his luxurious lifestyle). Despite the negative points of being a reality show host, Chris loves his job and the fame that comes with it. He has tried other activities like hosting a cooking show and being in a boy band, but all of them have been ill-fated. Chris is frequently seen in various costumes when introducing challenges, with Chef often dressed up as well to coordinate with him. He is highly rebellious against the network lawyers. On a few occasions, he has shown to be somewhat childish as well, whining when he is displeased about something.

Total Drama Island


Chris displays his sadism by setting off a dynamite explosion in Who Can You Trust?.

Aside from being the show's host, Chris is also the show's writer, background designer, director, and executive producer. In X-Treme Torture, he revealed that he is training to get his pilot's license, while flying a rickety plane on the verge of falling to pieces. He, along with his sidekick, the producers and the camera crew, are the staff of the show. He makes it very clear that he really enjoys torturing the campers, taking delight in pointing out how life-threatening the current challenge is, and sometimes even pairing the contestants up depending on their hatred for each other. Chris does not care what the campers do or what happens on the show, as long as it's legal and he gets paid, although there is a strong bias on the latter.

He has narcissistic tendencies, which are first seen in Paintball Deer Hunter, when he is asks if his teeth could get any whiter. He also pauses the tape in X-Treme Torture and begins to fuss about his appearance, saying it's degrading (even though he looks the same as always and Geoff was in a much worse situation at the time). He also seems to be irresponsible and careless, as he mentioned to Trent once that when he thinks he has forgotten something, he usually ignores the thought until it goes away. Throughout the series, he mentions most of the interns dying or being in the hospital, without a hint of remorse and almost with glee. He loves to torture the campers, but hates being forced to take the hits himself (an example of this is shown in Hide and Be Sneaky, when he is hit by Chef's water gun and is blasted back a long distance, and is clearly not happy about it). When wayward accidents come his way, he shouts angrily at other campers to not hit his face.


Chris gets threatened by Duncan for the final marshmallow.

Despite the fact that he loves torturing the campers, he, at least in this season, has shown that he can, at the very least, be understanding of very morally wrong things. When Heather managed to avoid being eliminated in Not Quite Famous, and Justin was kicked off instead, Chris stated that he felt the result was completely unfair, whereas he usually makes an unkind remark at the campers when they leave. Similarly, when Heather publicly humiliated Gwen by reading her diary on public television, even Chris was shocked that Heather would stoop that low (showing he has some respect for others). In Paintball Deer Hunter, he pitied Cody after he was voted off because he was severely mauled by a bear to the point where he was unable to move on his own. In Who Can You Trust?, he allowed Katie to board the Boat of Losers to be reunited with Sadie. He also has shown that, despite his harsh challenges, he does care about the camper's lives (as he rushed to save Gwen from the psycho killer because he was worried about lawsuits, though tried to see a positive in it in regard to the show's ratings). He also seemed concerned that Owen kept doing so many dares in I Triple Dog Dare You! (that may have eventually killed him), and he is shown to be disturbed in that same episode by the lengths that Gwen, Owen, and Heather were willing to go in order to win; after seeing Owen eat dog food and enjoy it, Chris vomits, and, while in the outhouse, declares, "Okay, that was so gross! Is there nothing these freaks won't do?!" In Brunch of Disgustingness, he allowed the campers to do an alternate eating round when two contestants refused to eat dolphin hot dogs, (though the alternative challenge turned out to be much grosser than dolphin hot dogs).

His one and only absence in the season (and the entire series to date), was in Are We There Yeti?, in which Chef took over as host and left the final four alone in the woods to find their way back. Other than a flashback Owen had to the first challenge, Chris doesn't even appear or have any lines. Chef's increased cruelty to the campers throughout the challenge results in some of them, in the confessional, actually wishing that Chris was back.


Chris gets thrown into the lake in the Total Drama Island finale.

At the end of the season, Chris is subdued by Owen, Duncan, Geoff and Chef and tossed off the Dock of Shame (ruining his hair) in retribution for all of the dangerous things he has forced them to do over the season. Chris revealed at the end of the season that the campers, including the winner of the previous season, can win one million dollars by finding a briefcase in the woods. However, Chris' plan winds up accidentally causing a fourteen-way tie after the competition becomes extremely fierce over the case, so he is forced to create a second season.

Total Drama Action

Upon returning to host the second season, Chris continues to do what he does best: humiliate the campers- now called "cast members" - through strange and awkward challenges. He also had some upgraded facial expressions, as the animators thought that it was difficult to portray much emotion through his dot eyes. Chris starts up a large number of challenges based on movie genres for the new season. He once again has Chef dress up in humiliating outfits; however, throughout season two, he starts to lose control, as Chef begins to rebel against him (mainly because Chris never sends him his paycheck). Chris actually operates a number of challenges himself from the safety of his control room (though he is not afraid to get himself involved if he feels a challenge is not up to his cruel standards). Once again, Chris is an egomaniac and nearly all the props and awards of the season are modeled after himself. Chris is far more sadistic in this season and seems to care little, if anything, for the contestants. One instance of this is when he brings Gwen up to his viewing room and makes her watch Trent be eliminated just to make her feel bad. Chris has also worn many costumes this season, more than the previous season. He has a habit throughout the season of dressing up in various outfits and opening the challenges up with some strange stunt that comes at an unexpected time (annoying the cast as the challenge begins). Near the end of the season, he also seems to face budget problems, as a number of events (such as Courtney's lawsuit) seem to have cost the show some money.

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Chris prepares for another episode of Total Drama Action.

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Chris, shown in his cowboy outfit, in 3:10 to Crazytown.

Upon the immediate start of the season, Chris starts up his new set of challenges, each of which is based on a specific movie genre. Beginning in Alien Resurr-eggtion, Chris starts to lose control of Chef, who is angry that his boss never pays him. Unknown to Chris, Chef forms an illegal alliance with DJ in Riot On Set. Confident of his new alliance, Chef starts to defy Chris (even fighting with him in the process). Starting in 3:10 to Crazytown, Chris really starts to get into his challenges as he wears his first of many costumes, a cowboy costume. In this same episode, Chris starts to have legal problems, as his lawyers (and some of the cast) start to warn him that his challenges are getting too violent and he has to start toning them down. While Chris does not like to do so, he does, simply to avoid trouble and keep the contestants calm. Despite the tone down, he still finds ways to make the casts' lives miserable, as he shows Gwen footage of Trent's elimination. When she asks if he only did this to make her feel bad, he says "yes."


Chris, disguised as Steve the Yeti.

Chris does not appear in person in The Aftermath: I, but instead, he talks live over the television set dressed as Steve the Yeti. He apparently was not informed of Total Drama Action Aftermath's production, as he angrily questions Geoff and Bridgette as to why they have a show now and tells them they stink. He's caught in the act by Chef.

In The Chefshank Redemption, Chris dons a police uniform and puts the cast through a series of prison-related challenges. While the cast is competing, Chris tries to get back on Chef's good side, though he does it in an awkward way that shocks Chef. During the third part of the challenge, Chris allows Izzy to return to the show because in Riot On Set, she had been eliminated as "E-Scope,” not Izzy. Therefore, he considered E-Scope's elimination as a technicality, and brought Izzy back after she abandoned the name E-Scope. Chris then pulls a sick prank in One Flu Over the Cuckoos, where he puts itching powder on the cast's pizza, and makes them study all night. Then, by setting some fake symptoms, he fools them all into thinking they have a deadly disease. Leshawna, however, is able to figure everything out and wins the challenge.

Chris finally finds out about Chef's alliance with DJ in The Sand Witch Project, where the guilty DJ reveals it to everyone. In Masters of Disasters, Chris actually shows concern for the cast as the second challenge goes horribly wrong. The cast is supposed to escape from a flooding submarine, but the top door was booby-trapped and no one can figure out how to open the bottom hatch as water fills the subs. Horrified that the cast may drown (which would end Chris' pay check and his "luxurious lifestyle"), Chris begs for Chef's help, to which the cook refuses to budge. Luckily, Harold is able to use straws to make a snorkel, crack the code and open the hatch, thus ending the challenge and saving everyone. Chris offers the Gaffers a reward to the top of a volcano, but angered about what happened, they refuse to take it and choose chips and soda instead. Chris lets the injured (but out of hospital) Owen join them as long as he doesn't sue.


Chris in his red car in the beginning of Ocean's Eight - Or Nine.

In Ocean's Eight - Or Nine, Courtney eventually won her lawsuit against the show and Chris had no choice, but to re-admit her, albeit begrudgingly. Chris is not happy with the result, however, and even mocks Courtney when she loses the challenge. At the award ceremony, he warned the Killer Grips that Courtney's lawsuit had given her invincibility for the one episode and that he couldn't handle any more lawsuits (as Courtney's hit his financial interests hard and his massage budget got sliced in half). Unfortunately, all the Grips still voted for Courtney, meaning only Courtney's vote for Owen counted. Owen was eliminated, but Chris allowed him to give a good-bye speech (possibly to annoy Courtney since her lawyers couldn't stop it). Chris has now greatly buckled down and is determined to avoid more lawsuits.


Chris blows into a caveman horn in One Million Bucks, B.C..

In One Million Bucks, B.C., Chris is continually forced to adhere to the terms of Courtney's contract, which included gourmet meals, a private bathroom and special linens (among other things). However, he takes advantage of this by sharing this knowledge with the rest of the cast, making them angry at Courtney for entitling herself to what Chris called "special treatment.” This only fueled everyone's growing dislike for Courtney. For the entire caveman challenge, Chris wore a loincloth, which earned him a lot of laughs, especially from Duncan. He had a lot of fun blowing the prehistoric blow horn used to signal the events.

In Million Dollar Babies, Chris really gets into the challenge's theme. He would create an echo when announcing who would be the boxers and told them to go slow-mo for the challenge. Later, he revealed that he was in a badminton movie once, and even reenacted a scene from it, which made Chef cry. During the cheer-leading tie-breaker, Chris gave the Grips victory because their cheer was about him. In the beginning and in the end of the episode, Chris wonders about the relationship between Courtney and Duncan.

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Chris as Batman in Super Hero-ld.

In Dial M for Merger, Chris puts the cast through a number of spy-related challenges. Chris plays the role of the villain, wearing an eye patch and petting a white cat (similar to Ernst Blofeld from James Bond). He also sports a Russian accent, though it is greatly criticized by everyone. Chris spends most of the episode at a safe distance from the cast, as most of their challenges involve explosives. He communicates mainly through screens to them. At the end of the episode, he rewards the winners (Courtney and Lindsay) with a cheese factory tour. The two, however, refuse to take it (but do so later).

In Super Hero-ld, Chris gets a bit upset when his challenge's opening stunt gets messed up. He's so mad to the point when Courtney asks if he'll tell her what the challenge is, he starts fixing his hair and outfit and says "When... I... feel like it." After he calms down, Chris has the cast design their own super hero costumes and powers (though he is greatly upset with a majority of them). Lindsay designs a costume and becomes Wonder Woman, being reminded by Courtney that Wonder Woman already exists. Chris, however, admits he loved Wonder Woman as a kid and awards Lindsay the victory for the first challenge (though he may have done this simply to annoy Courtney). Despite this, Courtney wins the second challenge and invincibility.

Chris was announced as "Sir Chris" in The Princess Pride. He was annoyed with Beth when she revealed the theme before he did. Chris did the challenges differently by explaining the rules as if it were a fairytale and from an armchair. During the episode, Chris tried selling "Princess Courtney" CDs and dolls. Courtney's lawyers wanted 80% of the profits from Princess Courtney dolls, so Chris changed them to Beth dolls and gave her a contract that stated she gets 0% of the profits. Later, he did a fake-out and said that Duncan was voted off in order to get a reaction from Courtney. In the end, Chris and Chef Hatchet played with Beth dolls when they could not sell them.


Chris with his rubber prop in Get a Clue.

In Get a Clue, Chris gives the first set of instructions from a message in a flash drive, hidden in Harold's breakfast. When released from the safe, Chris reveals he dislikes the taste of black licorice. He gets annoyed with Courtney when she started to demand a prize, so he gave her cheese puffs. Later, Chris was found dead and the cast tried to figure out what was going on. He later walked in with the copy of his fake dead body, which he explained as being made of rubber. He dubbed Lindsay the winner of the challenge, and allowed her and Duncan to watch his badminton zombie movie. In the final moments of the episode he compliments his rubber copy as he watches the movie with it.

Following in Rock n' Rule, Chris announces that the next challenge is a rock biography flick, explaining the normal rock life. Chris then gets mad at Owen arriving off-key. He then reluctantly explains the challenge, and later watches an angry Courtney hit Duncan in his groin once again. Finally, at the end of the episode, he signs off by saying Total Drama Action has said goodbye to it's most foxy player.

In Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen, Chris, back at Camp Wawanakwa, appeared as a karate instructor, and he was "floating" doing karate moves, but he had wires. He explains that Owen wouldn't participate, because he wants him to sabotage the teams this episode. Then, in 2008: A Space Owen, Chris appears with his hair messed up, with the cavemen suit, and explains the challenge, and gives everyone some stuff from home.

In Top Dog, Chris appears with his parrot for the challenge, but when it bites him, he disappears from the screen and punches are heard, he returns and the parrot isn't there. Then he tells the cast their animals, and smiles. He, then, whispers to Owen his plans to attack the cast. When Beth got first to the deadline, when Chris and her are waiting, Chris grows a beard. At the end, he tells Courtney she was voted off by Duncan and Beth, and he fired Owen, because he was caught by Beth and Courtney. Then, he announces Beth and Duncan as the final two, and throws them.


Chris' surprise.

Chris once again wears his pirate attire in Mutiny on the Soundstage. He then gets into a fight with Chef over whose job was harder. Beth saw Chris cry over Chef, but states it was the onions. Chris took Beth's advice about being nice and let Chef have a raise and a vacation.


Chris charms a flight attendant so he and Chef can get an upgrade.

In The Aftermath: IV, Chris and Chef have left the set and are ready to go on vacation, believing the season is over. However, while in the airport, Chris discovers that Geoff and Bridgette have got some secretly recorded footage of him. Desperate to stop them from airing it, he and Chef rush back to the studio. While stuck in traffic, Chris angrily states to Chef that he wants a third season and that footage could get the show canceled. Chris tries to give the driver directions to the studio, but winds up at Camp Wawanakwa. He does manage to finally make it back to the set and upon return shows footage that reveals Beth's dark, greedy side and Duncan's nice, caring side. Chris allows the past castmates to ask Duncan and Beth questions, but regrets it later when their questions are boring and/or not questions at all. In the end, he has everybody vote in the old bathroom stall from The Sand Witch Project, since the budget was gone. He counts the votes and gives Duncan the million dollars.

In Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special, Chris is the first person to arrive at the red carpet, in a limousine. Chris momentarily forgets who the Total Drama cast is, but corrects himself later, saying that he loves them and their work. Later, he wins the award for best reality TV show host. Afterwards, he says he will announce a new season called "Total Drama Dirtbags," a new season featuring new characters in New York City on "The Orpah Show.” Upset at this, the original contestants try to beat the "Dirtbags" to New York. Chris is excited by their motivation, and after the bus falls into a canyon, he rescues them, and has the contestants (including Sierra and Alejandro) go into another season.

Total Drama World Tour


Chris introduces the season's singing motif with a brief dance routine.

Chris starts the season off in Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 1 introducing the characters from the past seasons, and the new contestants: Sierra and Alejandro. During the episode, Chris' private headquarters are revealed, and they have a wood-burning pizza oven, a grand piano and a four-person hot tub with dancing waters. Later, when Chris is explaining the elimination process, Ezekiel interrupts him by saying that he has a peanut allergy. Chris gets so fed up that he throws Ezekiel off the plane and counts him as eliminated, refusing to let him back on board. During the musical number, Chris tells the contestants they have to sing in each episode to avoid automatic elimination, as it is part of the season three rules. At Egypt, Chris dresses up as an Egyptian pharaoh for the first challenge, which involves the contestants going over or under a pyramid. After completing the challenge, the contestants are split into three teams, except for Duncan, who quits the competition as he does not want to sing a reprise. After this irregular event, Chris lets a pleading Ezekiel (who had managed to return to the competition, much to Chris' shock) back into the game due to Duncan quitting meaning he was one player short, and puts him on the third team. Chris tells the selected teams to name their teams. One of the teams is named after Chris, being Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot. Chris is very pleased with the name and considers it the best name ever, with a thumbs up. After giving the teams their rewards, Chris tells the teams what the rewards will be for in the next challenge. Afterwards, Chris signs off the episode and tells the viewers to watch the next episode.


Chris has a special dislike for Ezekiel this season.

In Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 2, Chris introduces the second challenge of the season while he is sitting on an intern. After Chef drops scarab beetles all over the place, an intern gets eaten alive by them. Throughout the episode, Chris is seen to still be using the dead intern's skeleton as a type of footstool to put his feet on. Then, Chris tells the contestants that the bugs are in mating season right now and they have to sing to calm them down. When the contestants do the Amazing Camel Race, Chris and Chef are waiting for them near the Nile. Then Izzy and Sierra decide that they want to swap teams, Chris comes across the Nile on a speedboat after Alejandro says that he'll never allow this. Sierra then cuffs his legs and sucks up to him, saying that it's his decision and that he's the "best decider" ever. After hearing this, Chris quickly allows the swap to happen, much to Alejandro's chagrin. At the end of the episode at the Barf Bag Ceremony, Chris explains the rules to Team Victory. After Ezekiel is kicked out of the plane by Chef, Chris comments that he knew it would be satisfying. Duncan says that he is waiting for a ride home and Chris answers that they are going the other way and pushes Duncan out of the plane. Then, when Alejandro is in the confessional and says that he is worse that Heather, Chris calls him a "real competitor" and signs off the show.

At the beginning of Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan, Chris calls all the contestants to the dining area of the Jumbo Jet, and announces that their next location would be Japan. After Harold complains about Chris and Chef's cultural mistakes, Chris grows annoyed and signals for Chef to slice the plane's door open, sending all the contestants out of the plane. Chris then announces the "Human Pinball" challenge, which happens inside a Japanese studio game show. He pairs up Alejandro and DJ with panda bears and pairs Cody up with Sierra. After this, Chris shows the contestants a dubbed Total Drama Action commercial. After being asked by Courtney why it's dubbed even though it's in English, Chris explains that the natives don't like the cast's voices. During the Japanese commercial challenge, Chris is shown to dislike Team Amazon's and Team Victory's commercial. At the Barf Bag Ceremony, Chris hands out barf bags of airline issue peanuts to everyone, but DJ and Harold who are in the day's bottom two. When Chris is about to hand out the final barf bag to Harold, Harold quits the show with honor and falls out of the plane through the Drop of Shame. Chris then tosses him a parachute, before signing off the show.


Chris says their next stop is Japan.

In Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better, Chris is mean by making the flight rough and not giving the contestants coats. It is revealed by Sierra that Chris' favorite drinks are tomato juice and hot cocoa. Chris is a little unnerved by this because that information is not on the fansite. It is known that Chris has at least a high school education. Chris says that this season, there is a chance that every challenge is an elimination round in order to make everyone work harder. Later, he makes Bridgette and Team Amazon sing because they were the only people around to hear the bell.

In Broadway, Baby!, Chris starts getting annoyed by Sierra's constant dragging up his most embarrassing facts, including the fact that he was in a Boy Band named "Fametown" and that had a cooking show named “Keep it Plain with Chris McLean,” which was canceled after the first episode. He then gets really angry at Sierra, and tells her to be quiet for the rest of the episode. Chris announces Team Amazon as the victors, and congratulates Team Victory on not coming in last. Chris solemnly tells Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot that they will have to face elimination, but then takes it back, as it was actually a reward challenge the entire time. Chris explains that they can keep or throw away the prizes in the apples. He tosses a mallet to Cody, who smashes the first apple, which contains candy. Chris questions whether Heather will ever earn the respect of her teammates, then signs off the episode.

Owen the sausage

Chris is entertained by seeing that Owen ate the sausage.

In Slap Slap Revolution, Chris welcomes the contestants in the German Alps, and warns them that they can't sing very loud or they will cause an avalanche. He then explains the Meat Grinding challenge to the contestants. At the second challenge, he gives Team Amazon the lederhosen, and makes Cody wear it. Chris declares Team Amazon the winner and Noah angrily scolds Alejandro for losing so easily. At the Barf Bag Ceremony, Chris gives barf bags to Lindsay and DJ, while Leshawna is eliminated. Chris pushes off Leshawna, but holds on to the door. Chris signs off the show and rhetorically asks if Team Victory can still call themselves that way after they've lost so much.

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Chris distributes bananas to DJ and Lindsay for being the first team to make it to that checkpoint.

In The Am-AH-Zon Race, Chris welcome the contestants to the Amazon, and explains that the challenge is to hike along an ancient Peruvian trail all the way to Machu Picchu. Above the ruins, one team must find the golden treasure. The discoverers will win first-class treatment as they fly to their next location, and that the losers will send someone home. Chris begins to list the dangerous animals in the Amazon, and Cody raises his hand. Chris, already knowing the question of Cody's many allergies in The Amazon, pulls out an EpiPen. Cody makes a grab for it; however, Chris tells him that it wouldn't make sense to give it to the person with the allergies in case he passed out. Chris tells Team Amazon to remain calm, but them, the chime for a musical number is heard. Chris then commands that the song is all Team Amazon, and that it must end with a solo from Heather. Chris walks over to Owen and Tyler, who are struggling to remove a small pillar from the ground. Chris tells them that they have the wrong treasure, and when Lindsay approaches him with a small golden statue, he crowns Team Victory the winners of the challenge. Owen removes the pillar, and as the sun casts upon its ominous blue tip, the ruins begin to shake violently. Chris, Team Victory, and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot evacuate quickly. Chris begins the elimination ceremony, and makes a joke about Cody's swollen thumb. He then reveals the votes, then reveals that the elimination was fake. After Heather swears revenge on her team, Chris signs off the show.


Chris yells at Cody for his and Sierra's current state.

In Can't Help Falling in Louvre, Izzy plays with the buttons in the cockpit of the plane, causing it to make an unexpected crash in Paris outside the Louvre. Chris had originally wanted to land at the Eiffel Tower and as a result, didn't have enough time to prepare his speech (forcing him to quickly flip through some note cards). Chris starts the contestants off with their first challenge: find parts of famous statues and assemble them. When Alejandro says these statues aren't in Paris, Chris tells him that they're fakes that Chef made (though Chef actually forgot and runs off to quickly make them). As Cody tries to cheer up the crying Sierra, Chris decides to exploit the moment and rings the musical number bell. Angry at Cody, Sierra sings Paris in the Springtime (though she claims it's for Chris). When Team Victory loses, Chris decides to make the elimination a walk-off with the remaining two members picking a model and dressing them up in a fashionable outfit. Chris acts as one of the three judges, the other two being Owen and Heather. Despite his best efforts to lose, DJ winds up winning the walk off and Lindsay is eliminated. Later, Chris has her parachute of the plane in traditional elimination. Tyler attempts to kiss her one last time before she goes, but Chris stops him, telling him "it's a half hour show.”


Chris and his cousin, Jerd, from Newfoundland.

In Newf Kids on the Rock, Chris takes the cast to his homeland, Newfoundland. Chris brings in his cousin, Jerd McLean, a native mariner with a thick accent, to help with a challenge involving Alejandro to translate a phrase he says in his mariner accent. Chris then had DJ, and a member from Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot kiss fish. In the end, Chris pronounced DJ safe, Team Amazon the losing team, and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot the winners of the day's reward challenge.


Chris wears a woman's dashiki for the Jamaican challenges.

At the beginning of Jamaica Me Sweat, Chris tells Alejandro that DJ can't switch teams to join Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot, which he names differently to exaggerate his own beauty, something he does throughout the whole episode. When the plane runs out of gas, he tries to calmly warn the contestants over the PA system, but panics halfway through the announcement and screams in terror as the plane falls to earth in an unknown Jamaican beach. Once on land, and after Izzy and Owen are rushed to the infirmary, Chris announces the plane is out of gas and lists the various reasons why they couldn't afford more fuel, all of which are because he had to pay for his frivolous necessities. He later unknowingly puts on a woman's dashiki for the challenges and explains the first challenge requires the contestants to dive into a shark and electric eel infested lake to retrieve "pirate gold,” which are actually the gold chains Chef wears while he and Chris participate in karaoke night. By the end of the challenge, he angrily tells Chef to fix the plane while he's still young, which prompts Noah to jokingly ask if the contestants had landed in the 70s, which in turn prompts Chris to shove Noah off the cliff. During the second challenge, which involves the contestants bobsledding down a death slide into an empty pool, Chris times them and eventually declares Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot the winners. During DJ's elimination, which takes place with the plane on land because of the lack of fuel, Chris insists DJ must scram after he leaps out despite being only a few feet above ground. DJ initially does this, unconvincingly by yelling for his mother. However, when he is attacked by fire ants, he starts running around frantically and screaming loudly, which satisfies Chris. Finally, Chris announces that the cast will have to stay in Jamaica until more money arrives for more fuel.


Chris introduces the guards for the first challenge in I See London....

In I See London..., Alejandro sees Chris talking to a mysterious figure. Later, Chris explains the challenge is to follow clues in order to capture Jack the Ripper. In the end, he reveals that Ezekiel was the killer and would have let him back on the show if he avoided capture. Chris says that Team Amazon wins and forces Duncan to stay. He sees the clip of Duncan and Gwen kiss and wonders what kind of drama will stir up.

Greece chris eliminates intern

Chris eliminates an intern in Greece to spare Duncan.

Chris reveals that he broke the lock on the confessional in Greece's Pieces in order to cause more drama. Chris originally believed that the Olympics originated in Rome and was annoyed to find out it was not true. He blames the interns and makes one leave the plane and the other to research about Greece. Chris states that Duncan must sing for the entire episode to make up for lost time. He is one of the people to call Cody a girl much to his chagrin. In the end he ignored the votes of Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot and made and intern take the Drop of Shame. He admits he wanted to save Duncan for the drama he caused.

In The EX-Files, Chris sends the teams to Area 51 to retrieve an original alien artifact still intact; a task that included deadly booby traps along the way. When Team Amazon is trapped on a minefield, he appears over the zone using a jetpack and calls for a song, giving them the option of singing or tap dancing on the minefield. Once the two teams make it to the base, Chris informs them the second part of the challenge and that the security system is activated due to him hacking the system to talk to them, making them run for their lives. When Owen is taken by the security system of the base and gets the make up, Chris and Chef laugh while watching the secret cameras and thanks the Colonel for letting them use the machine.

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Chris explains the Australian challenge.

In Picnic at Hanging Dork, Chris explains the challenge to the contestants. When Chef asked how long it would take Chris responds by looking at a map and saying two hours. Chef then opens up the map and he corrects himself with two days, and Then they both laugh. At the elimination ceremony Chris reads off how many votes everyone has. Chris still makes Gwen perform the tie-breaker despite her allergies, and she gets eliminated.

In Sweden Sour, Chris happily says that the jackets ordered for the contestants in the Yukon would arrive in six to eight weeks, much to their chagrin. He implies that he intentionally put the instructions to the junk piles through a shredder. He mocks Duncan and Alejandro's choice of Owen for captain. When Team Amazon lost and faced elimination, they all unanimously voted for Courtney However, once again, Chris decided to bend the rules just for his own personal pleasure and spared Courtney from elimination once more, greatly distressing her team.

In Niagara Brawls, Chris drops the contestants off the Jumbo Jet, along with two swan paddle boats. After the cast members make it to shore, avoiding a waterfall drop thanks to Sierra, Chris announces that they are back in Canada, at the Niagara Falls. Chris and the cast members then head to Niagara Falls casino, but have to be in the concert theater because they are all under age. Chris then tells them that a contestant will be back on the show, and both Duncan and Cody want it to be Gwen. However they are shown in the musical number that it's Blaineley, who most of the contestants don't really care about. When Blaineley asks which team she is on, Chris announces that the teams are merged. The boys are then placed in a giant casino machine, and the girls have to pull a lever to chose their "husbands" for the challenge. After the girls choose their "husbands,” Chris announces the first challenge, which is that the male of the duos must lead the blindfolded girl to a wedding dress, while avoiding many obstacles, and if a duo doesn't get a dress, they are out. Everyone succeeds the challenge, and Chris then announces the second part, which is to walk across the Niagara Falls on a tight-rope, and then pass "customs,” also known as Chef Hatchet. Chris then informs the cast members that there are also sharks at he bottom of the Falls. After Duncan and Courtney win the challenge, Chris declares them invincible. At the elimination ceremony, after reading the votes, Owen is eliminated.

Throughout Chinese Fake-Out, Chris constantly gets phone calls, interrupting his hosting of the show. Apparently, the producers were giving him a hard time about the budget for the show. This prevented him from finishing the instructions for the first challenge, and distracts him from the cheating in the food challenge. In the end, he decides to kick both of the tied contestants off instead of wasting money on a tie-breaker. He also learns from Blaineley that she was originally approached about hosting the show, and the only reason Chris is hosting today is that Blaineley said no. Chris shoved her and Courtney off the plane before Blaineley could say anything else. Later, when Chris is about to sign off the show, he asks Chef if he was actually the one approached first, to which Chef nervously reassures him it was him.

In African Lying Safari, Chris punished Chef for forming an alliance with Blaineley by making him wear a heavy coat and hat in the middle of Africa. While Chef was noticeably sweating and very uncomfortable, he did not seem to get mad when Chris taunted him, implying that he was willing to accept his punishment. Chris presented the feral, animal-like Ezekiel to the contestants with little to no concern for Ezekiel's extremely unhealthy state. When Alejandro and Heather won the challenge by tranquilizing Ezekiel, Chris congratulated them, then quickly told them to grab the unconscious Duncan (who had been attacked by Ezekiel and accidentally tranquilized by Alejandro) and "get the heck out of Africa before Zeke wakes up!" He obviously seemed desperate to get rid of Ezekiel, and his plan at first seemed to work, as the Jet quickly took off. However, Ezekiel managed to climb aboard, rip off a metal sheet, and jump inside. At the elimination, Chris finally allowed Duncan to be voted off fair and square, as he apparently had lost his ability to cause drama.

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Chris in his authentic clothes for Rapa Phooey!.

In Rapa Phooey!, Chris is seen in the cockpit, wanting to fly the plane. Chef denies Chris' request. When landed, Chris explains the challenge to the contestants. Chris is then seen pushing giant boulders down the cave the contestants are climbing. He explains the second part of the challenge, and tells Alejandro to start singing. During the ceremony, Chris reveals that Sierra would have been voted out, had it not been a reward challenge.

In Awwwwww, Drumheller, Chris is first seen sleeping in his hypoallergenic sleeping chamber as Alejandro sneaks into his quarters to use his computer. Upon landing, Chris explains the challenge to the contestants. He is impressed by Heather's dinosaur, which was made to resemble him as a form of flattery. For the second challenge, he sends the contestants to search for several barrels of oil that the interns had accidentally buried, but not before pushing a barrel of snakes and bugs onto the interns that had failed him. Chris is later seen making hamburgers, and asks Sierra if she wants one for winning the challenge, looking surprised when she turns down the offer. During nightfall, Chris reveals that the day's elimination will be done in the style of Total Drama Island, with a Campfire Ceremony instead of a Barf Bag Ceremony. After Sierra blows up the Total Drama Jumbo Jet, Chris goes into hysterics, roaring at Sierra and disqualifying her from the game in a fit of rage before signing off the show, brokenheartedly telling the audience that the destruction of the plane may mean the end of the Total Drama series, before breaking down into sobs.

PTHAM - ChrisPaperBag

Chris hyperventilates because of his plane being blown up in Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles.

In Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles, Chris is still shown sad about his plane. He is happy when Chef brings in the emergency helicopter. He tells the final three their challenge, and refuses to let Sierra ride with him. He occasionally gives contestants updates on who is in the lead. He instructs the contestants to sing, I'm Gonna Make It. When in Mexico, he informs Heather and Alejandro that they have to get to Hawaii. In Hawaii, he states that Heather has made it to the final two. He also says that Alejandro and Cody have tied. He then waits until the episode runs out of time, and ends it.

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Chris explains the final challenge to Heather and Alejandro.

In Hawaiian Punch, Chris says that Alejandro and Cody have to compete in a tie-breaker challenge, but first decides to show some confessionals from the final three. He gives Heather a choice of choosing the challenge which she accepts. He explains what Heather has to do, and lets her go in. When Bridgette recalls using ping-pong balls, Chris reveals he switched them with golf balls by saying he was disappointed in them. Chris forces Geoff to pick up the ball that Heather coughed up. Chris responds to Alejandro's question about the challenge by saying that he already checked and it's a no. Chris is next seen explaining the challenge to Alejandro and Heather, and makes them sing Versus. When Alejandro finishes first, Chris gives him a twenty second head start, as well as the wheelbarrow that Courtney won for him in Hawaiian Style. He lets Heather use Cody's baby carriage. When the final two hit a "minor obstacle,” Chris tells them what to do. After Heather throws the dummy into the volcano, Chris informs her that she has thrown Alejandro's dummy in by accident and calls down the volcano to him so he can claim his prize. However, before Alejandro makes it up the volcano, Ezekiel attacks Chris and, after a brief tussle, manages to pry the case from him. Chris says that he "didn't see that coming," and then yells for everyone to run when the volcano begins to erupt. He escapes from the lava and announces that there will be a new cast. He is last seen on a boat with Chef. Suddenly, Ezekiel rose from the volcano and fell on Chris' boat, causing it to create a giant hole in the deck and the boat then sank. In Heather's ending, he hands Heather the case after she defeats Alejandro. After the credits, Chris and Chef manage to save an injured Alejandro by placing him into a Drama Machine (a parody to a scene of Star Wars). Chris then calls Alejandro a spaz after he received the news of the million dollars.

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island


Chris frightens Mike and Zoey with his bomb.

Chris starts off explaining that this season will return to Camp Wawanakwa and will have more action, but the rules will be the same. He tricks the audience so they think that contestants from previous seasons would play, but then reveals that entirely new cast of characters are going to try and win the money. Chris blows up the yacht they were on and makes them run through the woods. He assigns them to teams roughly based on which order the contestants crossed the finish line. Chris explains that he rented the camp out and it was filled with radioactive waste which caused the animals to be mutated. He gives the first challenge and waits for them at the campground. Owen appears and asks why he was not in the game this time. Chris says he and the previous contestants have outlived their usefulness and Chris blows Owen away. In this season, Chris seems to have developed a tendency to laugh evilly.

Truth or Laser Chris McLean

Chris explains the challenge.

Before the first challenge in Truth or Laser Shark, Chris confiscates Sam's and Dakota's electronic devices. He explains the rules for the first challenge and gets annoyed that everyone started bickering with each other so they skip the first challenge due to running out of time. For the second challenge, Chris made everyone wear glasses similar to Harold's so they can not see and comments how well everyone does.

Chris dresses in a suit and wears a white wig Runaway Model. He announces that the challenge that day would be a fashion show. When Lindsay was kidnapped he was worried that he would be held liable if she got hurt.

Chris was about to get in trouble with the environment protection agency in A Mine Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, but Chris had a plan to get out of it. He had the interns store all of the toxic waste into the abandoned mine shaft, which in turn left Dakota bald and eventually caused her to mutate due to her prolonged exposure to the waste. He then had the contestants partake in a challenge in the mine that would see them destroy most of the stored waste and destroy the evidence of his wrongdoing.

In The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean, Chris and Chef strand all of the campers on rafts out in the middle of the lake after Chef knocks them out with his homemade Pasta Bottelini the evening beforehand. Chris explains the challenge while riding on his jet ski, just in time to catch Dakota mutating into a monster due to her exposure in the polluted mine shaft in the previous episode. During the entire challenge, Chris avoids Dakota when she tries to get back at him multiple times for mutating her, keeping distance by remaining airborne in his helicopter. After the campers successfully return to shore, he reveals that he trapped Sam and veteran contestant Gwen in a wooden chest buried underground, and that the campers must rescue the two before they run out of air. At the elimination ceremony for the Mutant Maggots, Chris reveals that Dakota ate all of the marshmallows while in the infirmary, and instead counts off the votes for each contestant. Ultimately, it is Dakota who is eliminated, but she pays no attention to Chris as he hurls her off the Dock of Shame, as she is too busy kissing Sam.

In Grand Chef Auto, Chris reveals that it's merge time, and destroys one of the cabins. Later on, a mammoth-sized monument in his own honor on the island, a giant monolith carved into his head called "Mt. Chrismore." Chris then brings out Duncan for his cameo, but didn't realize he'd take off as he was untied. Chris then allows the teens to rummage through Chef's kitchen for part one of the challenge, then use his go carts for part two. He makes the teens travel to three different land marks and tag each of them. When the teens were doing so, Chris is seen on a GPS as he announces he's added an extra landmark, which was Mt. Chrismore. It was then revealed it was Chef using a dummy with a tape recording to get back at Chris for the destruction of his stuff. Chris is then seen furious to find out what had happened, and blames it on Duncan. Little did he know, it was Chef. When he finally got to the Mountain, Lightning had already spray painted on it, while Duncan blows it up, destroying his monument. Later that night, Chris hurls the next victim, Mike, before he and Zoey could have their first kiss.

In Up, Up And Away In My Pitiful Balloon, Chris is first seen with his new zeppelin as he introduces the next challenge. Later on, Heather is seen hitting him and Chef with his Gemmie Awards, and later being pushed off the aircraft. Chris then changes the challenge to capture Heather instead. Later at elimination, Chris asks the newly eliminated Jo for any final words. When she speaks, Chris hurls her off the island.

Chris was next seen announcing the challenge in Eat, Puke and Be Wary. When doing so, he accidentally falls into one of Scott's traps he created, causing him to be shot into the communal washrooms. He then gives the hosting job to Chef while he is injured. Later that day, Chris is still seen in the washrooms stuck, with no help from his interns near by. Eventually, he makes it out to hurl the next player.

In The Enchanted Franken-Forest, Chris brings the contestants to the Mutant Forest of Terror, where he makes the contestants travel through the woods in search of a flower inside of a mutant venus flytrap. Chris later reveals that the flytrap the teens are looking for was actually his plant named "Larry." Chris looks through pictures of what he looked like before he accidentally left him on the island while the toxic waste built up. He also cheers Larry on for beating up the contestants, preventing them from making it to the finish. Eventually, Lightning makes it to the finish line first with Larry's flower. Chris then takes the flower and gives it back to Larry, then cuddles with him.

In Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown, Chris shows home videos to the final two. He then takes them to his arena, where the eliminated contestants sit alongside him as they will watch the two battle. Chris then gives the challenge of building armor, then attacking and pinning down the other opponent to win. When Lightning tries to defend himself from Cameron's shots from his robotic suit, his remote and throne was hit. The remote was what allowed mutant creatures come into the arena, but it malfunctions, releasing all the mutant animals. Chris is then seen surrounded by mutant gophers, but Larry defends his owner and they


Chris declares Cameron the winner in the ending of the fourth season.

cuddle even more. At the end of the episode, Chris crowns the winner of Total Drama: Revenge of The Island, and then tries to blow up the boat that the contestants are on. But when doing so, Chris blows himself off the dock as Chef gives him an evil glare, having tricked him once more. Chris then yells at him as he signs off,


Chris gets arrested by the government.

but the government then comes in to arrest and quarantine him and the island, holding him accountable for the environmental destruction he allowed to occur on the island. They then proceed to subject Chris to the painful process of decontamination before arresting him. The contestants laugh at his misery as they ride off.

Total Drama All-Stars

Heroes vs Villains (2)

Chris is seen in prison.

After a year being in prison, Chris appears to have lost his mind as he is shown "hosting" a new season in his cell using cockroaches as contestants and replacing Chef with a cashew that resembles him. Chef eventually came to bail him out but Chris refused. However, after Chef shows him an envelope stating the producers have agree on a new season, Chris agrees to leave to resume his role as the show's host.

Chris brought back six contestants from the original casts and seven contestants from season four to Camp Wawanakwa. He also tricked everyone that he is bringing back a still-feral Ezekiel to the competition only revealing that he is lying and tell his Robot assistant to launch Ezekiel away from the island. Once everyone made it to shore, he divided the contestants into the Heroic Hamsters and the Villainous Vultures. When the Vultures complain that they have one team member short, Chris gives them his Robot assistant. It is revealed that the Robot is actually Alejandro, who has finally recovered after his "lava accident" two seasons ago. In the end, the Villainous Vultures won and the Hamsters vote Lindsay off. Chris then send her off via the new elimination method, the Flush of Shame.

During the season, Chris continued to open the episodes, explain the challenges and make everyone's lives miserable. However, in You Regatta Be Kidding Me, Duncan discovers Chris' house and decides to blow it up. This causes Chris to report Duncan and got him removed from the show.

In the following episode, Zeek And Ye Shall Find, Chris celebrated the 100th episode of Total Drama but was kidnapped by Ezekiel, sparking Chef to send the final seven down to rescue him, but Ezekiel was able to catch them all but Cameron and Gwen. However, Chris and the others were saved by Gwen and returned to the surface of the island.

However, in The Bold and the Booty-ful, Chris sent Gwen to find a painting of him for the challenge, but because of an accident, she finished the portrait with animal feces. This made Chris upset and eliminated her from the show.

In the final, The Final Wreck-ening, he told Mike and Zoey to shoot down the past eliminated contestants from the balloons. Though Gwen, Cameron, Alejandro and Heather were picked, the rest of the players flew away much to Chris' carelessness, causing him to get repeated phone calls. After Mike or Zoey won, the island sunk and Chris announced that they're right into their next season, Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.

Total Drama: Pahkitew Island

With the destruction of Camp Wawanakwa, Chris move the show to a new location: Pahkitew Island, a Cree island located in Western Canada. For this new season, Chris selects an entire new group of contestants from different peers.

Chris first appears in So, Uh This Is My Team?, greeting the new contestants on the zeppelin via hologram. From there, the explains everyone to quickly grab a bag that may or may not have a parachute in it and jumps of the zeppelin as the Chris had  blows it up. Once the contestants have reach the island, Chris splits them into the ones who had actual parachutes and the ones who hadn't which are the two opposing teams. He names the ones with parachutes (Amy, Jasmine, Max, Rodney, Samey, Scarlett, and Topher) as the Pimâpotew Kinosewak, while those without parachute (Beardo, Dave, Ella, Leonard, Shawn, Sky, and Sugar) as the Waneyitham Maskwak.

I wanna look younger

Chris is more worried about his looks than ever, thanks to Topher.

As before, Chris continue his torturing the contestants, pitting them against each other in difficult challenges such as building their own shelter, an obstacle course, a surprise balloon fight, Truth or Scare etc. For every challenges won, Chris rewards the contestants with second hand fast food from one of the sponsoring restaurants. Any contestants who were eliminated via voting or other methods will be then placed inside the Cannon of Shame and launched away from the island. Among the new set of contestants, Chris developed a hatred for songbird Ella for not only singing in every episode but also being able to tame any animals, even Scuba Bear. It is then then Chris gave Ella an ultimanium, stop singing or she will be eliminated. Eventually, Ella was caught singing after Sugar told Chris about it and had her eliminated.

Slowtox face

Chris can't show a terror face thanks to the Slowtox.

One of the contestants, Topher, is a huge fan of Chris, admiring his works and looks. Initially, Chris likes Topher but eventually find him as an annoyance as Topher doesn't seem to concentrate on the challenges at all. In its later revealed that Topher is actually trying to steal Chris' job as the host of Total Drama, believing that Chris is getting too old and he is better than Chris in every way. Using Chris' phone, Topher badmouthed about him to the producers while telling them about himself. However, Chris had anticipitated Topher's plan and allows Topher to steal his phone. Episodes later, Chris phoned Topher, under the pretense of as a person from the network, to tell him that he is to replace Chris. This news made Topher scream happily which caused his team the challenge. Once Topher realizes that he was tricked, he was speechless as Chris launch him away from the island, removing another annoying contestant from the competition.

It is then revealed that Pahkitew Island is actually an artificial island with a center computer controlling everything. When the computer went hayfire, Chris had the contestants to disable the island's self destruct sequence while he watch safely from a helicopter. Little did Chris realize that the seemingly quiet bookworm Scarlett is actually an evil genius. Once she gain control of the island's computer, Scarlett blackmails Chris to surrender the million dollar or she will blow up the island but Chris refuses. Eventually, the contestants manage to stop Scarlett and deactivate the self destruct sequence, saving the island. Later, Chris had Max to join Scarlett in the Cannon of Shame, being sick of "evil" contestants for a while, and launch them away from the island.

After the elimination of twelve contestants, it was Sky and Shawn who would made it to the finals. To make things intresting, Chris had them partner with their respective love interest and placed them in a three part race to the finish line. Near the end, he turn the helpers against the final two by revealing Shawn's past confessionals from previous episodes explainning that he refuse to share his winnings with Jasmine and show Dave Sky's audition tape, revealing that Sky already has a boyfriend the entire time. Although Jasmine was hurt too, it was Dave who take this revelation the most, turning him into an unstable person bend on revenge. Seeing that his plan worked, Chris made Jasmine and Dave hinder the movements of the final two and if they fail to reach the finish line in time, they will each received half of the million dollars. Despite Dave's insanity and attempts to foil the final two, one of them did reach the finish line in time and is declared the winner of Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. In the end, Chris leaves with Shawn, Sky and Jasmine and sign off the season, before realizing that they left Dave on the island with Scuba Bear.


Total Drama Island

Total Drama Action

Total Drama World Tour

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island

Total Drama All-Stars

Total Drama: Pahkitew Island

Camp TV

While Chris was in Camp TV, he was never meant to appear; he was supposed to be the unseen host of the show. His name was mentioned in the promo when Geoff says "Yo, Chris, what's up? I love that guy." It's unknown if he was referring to the host or a fellow contestant, but it is most likely the host, as Gwen is the only known contestant (from the first generation) to have a changed name from her beta character model.



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File:Jasmine,_Shawn_and_Chris.png|Chris scares away Shawn, while wearing a zombie mask in the Opening sequence. Jaz_and_chris.png|Chris "comforts" Jasmine. SmilingChris.png|Chris gets bowtox. ChrisEllaDeer.png|Ella sings, much to Chris' annoyance. Coward_chris.png|Chris uses the double helicopter to escape from the island. ScarlettChris2.png|Chris persuading Scarlett not to blow up the island. Order of challenges.png|The Interns "help" Chris in deciding the order of the challenges. Chris cries armpit fart.png|Chris is touched by Shawn's performance.

Chris gibberish.png|Chris making fun of Dave and Sky in the confessional.

See also

Interactions with Everyone | Alejandro | Chef | Courtney | Dakota | Duncan | Ella | Ezekiel | Gwen | Heather | Interns | MK | Owen | Sierra | Topher
Other content Chris's cell phone | Larry